When unconscious became conscious this is Samadhi

Speaking in tongues February 1, 2015

“We do not know when the disciples of Christ got their realization through the Holy Ghost. They got…. they felt the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost and they started talking in a different language. They didn’t speak in some language like Latin or Greek or anything. They spoke the language of the chakras and they started moving their hands so people thought they were mad…. But you will see now that all the Divine laws can be managed through your fingers if you get your realization, because your fingers become active and emit cool vibrations or cool breeze of the Holy Ghost…. So, there is nothing wrong in that. But those who were not realized people could not understand that and that’s why they called them mad….. That’s not the situation today. Now, please put your hand there on that center…”

Shrее Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program in Unity Church, Houston (USA), 30 May 1986 
