When unconscious became conscious this is Samadhi

We should be born again September 25, 2016

Jesus Christ said that “we should be born again.” In our country we refer to this process as “Dwija” or born for the second time. The second birth of any human being is possible only by awakening of Kundalini power. So long as the Kundalini is not awakened, one will not acquire, the second birth, and so long as we do not have rebirth we will not be able to recognise God. You read the Bible after realization. You will be surprised to know that Jesus Christ has told nothing but the importance of Sahaja Yoga. Everything has been explained with minor details. Those who have no insight, misrepresent the matters.

Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi, 27.09.1979


You must awaken Christ within yourself in the Agnya Chakra November 28, 2015

If you have to really come to resurrection then you must awaken Christ within yourself in the Agnya Chakra. If you cannot do it, all this enactment, even I have seen some people in Spain, they say, are enacting as crucified. I mean, this is mockery going on in this world. We are living with pretensions and falsehoods. All these things are going to take us nowhere. We have to face ourselves, we have to awaken Christ within ourselves. We have to bow to Him in full understanding of how great He is.

On the contrary, we always bend towards people who are pretentious, who make a circus out of Him. It’s amockery going on everywhere. This carrying the cross or any drama, I mean, it was such a miserable thing. And to enact it – I don’t know why people want to do that, I just can’t understand, I can’t bear it.

But I mean if you have feelings, you can see within yourself. It cannot be a ceremony, a ritual – to be sacrificed and to be resurrected. It’s the actuality, is the becoming, is not any drama. And people want to see a drama like that and be satisfied.


Is Baptism a living process? May 28, 2015


You can believe in God,… May 23, 2015

“You can believe in God, you can believe in Holy Ghost, you can believe in Christ but you cannot believe that it has any relationship with you, that you could be that great, that you could get your realization. So just feel it and enjoy it. First of all, don’t think, that’s why I say, “Don’t think.” Because as soon as you start thinking, Mr. Thomas in you will get up and say that “Hello, this cannot be Self-realization.”
Mr. Thomas was great, you see. Christ had all the disciples and I find all those types around, permutations and combinations and somehow Judas also, but they’re rarely to be found. But there are, no doubt and some are Thomas’s, and these Thomas’ are described as murmuring souls by Christ Himself. He said, “These are murmuring souls,” and they murmur and one murmuring souls comes to you, another murmuring soul in you joins hands and you start all murmuring together, start thinking.
Now at that time what have you to do on rational grounds is very simple. What have I done so far? I’ve done everything, did I get cool breeze? Did I get my self realization? Did I feel my own powers? Have I been able to feel myself and others? Because you see, your still not fully realized, you may not be able to feel the vibrations of another person, neither you will be able to feel your own vibrations. But there are so many people here who are Realized and they can feel yours, and they can verify.”
Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi Public Program Workshop, Sydney ( Australia ), 29 March 1981

But She—the Spirit, the Paraclete. May 17, 2015

Filed under: Bible — Peter @ 11:40 am
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John 14:26 But She—the Spirit, the Paraclete whom He will send to you, my Father, in my name—She will teach you everything; She will remind you of that which I have told you. 

(Translation by Danny Mahar, author of Aramaic Made EZ)



Catholic Family Services likes Sahaja Yoga March 27, 2015


Rationality is limited – get vibratory awareness March 2, 2015

“This is beyond thinking, it is beyond thought. Because you think to your rationality which is a limited vehicle; you have to be triggered into the unlimited. You cannot think it out and go there; it has to work out beyond thinking.
Now if supposing Christ appears before you, how will you recognize? Is there a way? Supposing God appears before you, how will you recognize? Is there a way? Only way would be when you get this vibratory awareness, you can feel it, people can feel it.”
Shree Mataji, Nirmla Devi, Public Program, Vancouver ( Canada ), 9 October 1981

Speaking in tongues February 1, 2015

“We do not know when the disciples of Christ got their realization through the Holy Ghost. They got…. they felt the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost and they started talking in a different language. They didn’t speak in some language like Latin or Greek or anything. They spoke the language of the chakras and they started moving their hands so people thought they were mad…. But you will see now that all the Divine laws can be managed through your fingers if you get your realization, because your fingers become active and emit cool vibrations or cool breeze of the Holy Ghost…. So, there is nothing wrong in that. But those who were not realized people could not understand that and that’s why they called them mad….. That’s not the situation today. Now, please put your hand there on that center…”

Shrее Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program in Unity Church, Houston (USA), 30 May 1986 



Kundalini January 11, 2015


Jesus in India – Documentary by Indian Govt December 24, 2014

Filed under: Spirituality — Peter @ 1:09 pm
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