When unconscious became conscious this is Samadhi

Self-Knowledge through Sahaja Yoga April 14, 2024

Extract from the book of Flore Descieux titled “Light of the Koran” and sub-titled “Self-Knowledge through Sahaja Yoga”.

Self-Realisation is the Resurrection promised by all Religions
Extract from the book of Flore Descieux titled “Light of the Koran” and sub-titled “Self-Knowledge through Sahaja Yoga”.

Shri Mataji is not only able to reveal the technique of Kundalini but she has the power to awaken it in each individual who then learns to master it and to awaken it in others. Shri Mataji introduced this method in , under the name of Sahaja Yoga. Yoga means “union with th Whole” and Sahaja “born within” i.e. existing innately. What is the nature of this innate power? Our pure desire, or Kundalini, desire to be one with the Creator. Kundalini is the reflection of the Primordial Power within, the one who created the “manifest” universe i.e. the galaxies, planets, earth, man etc… In other words, She is the power of the “Unmanifest” God who is Himself pure Spirit, the Invisible, God. This natural power has various names according to the different religions: “Divine Mother” or “Adi Shakti” for Hindus, “Holy Spirit” for Christians, “Rouh” for Muslims, “cosmic energy” for scientists. Before entering into a more in- depth analysis, let us first observe what happens in the presence of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi when Self-realisation takes place: the Kundalini ascends from the sacrum (“sacred bone”, the Greeks had a presentiment of the special quality of this bone which burns with particular difficulty when the body is cremated) along the spinal cord and awakens the seven subtle energy centres, in Sanskrit “chakras”, whose material expression corresponds to the physical plexuses of the human body. When it arrives at the head, it pierces the fontanel bone area and the subject feels per- vaded with a deep state of silence and of well-being without thoughts and can feel a cool breeze (or vibrations) in the hands and on the top of the head. At this stage he is in a state of “thoughtless awareness”. This precise moment, called “Yoga”, or union with God, and His cosmic Order, marks the moment of “Self-realisation”, the true Resurrection or the fusion of the individual self with the Universal Spirit.
In some cases this cool breeze may be perceived on the face, on the body or on the limbs. It can also manifest itself inside the spinal cord as a cool fluid flowing upwards and the same internal flux can manifest itself in a downward movement along the arms, legs or feet. The most surprising effect is the speed with which an emptiness is created within the brain which brings with it a lightening of the whole body. All mental and emotional worries disappear spontaneously. The impact of Self-realisation depends on the physical, emotional and spiritual conditions at the time of the experience. Some may feel nothing the first time. If a Sahaja yogi (a person who practises Sahaja Yoga), working with a person trying the experience for the first time, cannot feel the cool breeze in his hands or on top of his head, then Self-realisation has not taken place. The person concerned cannot lay any claim to the subtle yet potent powers of the Kundalini nor can he deem the experience to be improb- able or unreal simply because he did not feel it himself. In this case, the best thing is to repeat the exercise — something which presents no practical difficulties — and not to worry, as it is sometimes necessary for the subtle system to be cleansed before the vibrations can be perceived. In the case of other new subjects the yogi feels the cool breeze coming out of their fontanel bone area while they themselves feel nothing at all. In this case, Self-realisation did take place even though the subtle system of the people concerned is not yet sensitive to this new vibratory awareness. But in the majority of cases, various signs appear automatically without the mind having to concentrate on a particular object or idea: the manifestation of heat in a particular finger, hand or part of the body, a prickling sensation in one or more fingers, a light pulsation or op- pression in a chakra, a blockage in one of the plexuses, a light tension in one or the other of the cerebral hemispheres… Indeed, as the following figure shows, the Kundalini acts on all three energy channels within the nervous system. Moreover, each energy centre on the central channel corresponds both to a finger on one of the hands and to several parts of the body. The perception of any of the sensations described above is therefore quite normal. A wide range of feelings accompany this physical process: the abandonment of the object of our daily battles as if they had never existed, indeed we wonder how these could have obsessed us to this point; the feeling of being elevated above all trivialities in a state of lucid beatitude, which no negativity can touch; the impression of being completely at ease and without any fear of the place or of the people, even total strangers, around us; on the contrary, their presence does not embarrass us and the turns of phrase generally used to break the ice are superfluous. There is an atmosphere of complete mutual trust. Hence the confession of a realised Muslim gentleman (that is someone who had just been granted Self-realisation by Shri Mataji) in London in August ’: “I feel as though I am living in a dream. Yet I am completely awake, perfectly conscious and everything is real. Better still, I have not done anything special except open my hands towards Shri Mataji”. This gentleman was, of course, in thoughtless awareness!
On a scientific level, what is the explanation for a phenomenon by which thousands of people have now borne witness to similar reactions before Shri Mataji? This exceptional personality is the first to warn those who listen to her:

Do not believe me for I could tell you lies!
Come to me with an open and scientific mind,
experience and see for yourself.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


The first leaflet for a public program at Caxton Hall — London


Avykta February 5, 2023

Filed under: Spirituality — Peter @ 8:24 am
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We should be born again September 25, 2016

Jesus Christ said that “we should be born again.” In our country we refer to this process as “Dwija” or born for the second time. The second birth of any human being is possible only by awakening of Kundalini power. So long as the Kundalini is not awakened, one will not acquire, the second birth, and so long as we do not have rebirth we will not be able to recognise God. You read the Bible after realization. You will be surprised to know that Jesus Christ has told nothing but the importance of Sahaja Yoga. Everything has been explained with minor details. Those who have no insight, misrepresent the matters.

Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi, 27.09.1979


We go into Ceremony to talk with God August 29, 2016



Sahaja Yoga Medical Presentation August 27, 2016


Practicing the middle path August 19, 2016

Confucius EN


Power of Kundalini July 31, 2016

Power of Kundalini


Detox Yourself – Footsoaking Technique July 28, 2016

It is great to do it in river or sea, but you can do it in home as well.

It is a great way to purify Mooladhara,  Swadisthan and Nabhi .





Sahaja yoga Ghana July 26, 2016


Pleas­e drop in to our medit­ation stall where our local Sahaj­a Yoga medit­ation pract­ition­ers will be happy to show you our simpl­e medit­ation techn­ique:­
Inc­ludes balan­cing, clear­ing techn­iques­, in-de­pth knowl­edge of chakr­as and Sahaj­a Yoga music­.

When: Every Satur­day at 3-6pm­
Ever­y Wedne­sday 6-7.3­0pm


Fo­r more infor­matio­n conta­ct:
054 3749 953