When unconscious became conscious this is Samadhi

We have to awaken Christ within ourselves April 10, 2015

” If you have to really come to resurrection then you must awaken Christ within yourself in the Agnya Chakra. If you cannot do it, all this enactment, even I have seen some people in Spain, they say, are enacting as crucified. I mean, this is mockery going on in this world. We are living with pretensions and falsehoods. All these things are going to take us nowhere. We have to face ourselves, we have to awaken Christ within ourselves. We have to bow to Him in full understanding of how great He is.

On the contrary, we always bend towards people who are pretentious, who make a circus out of Him. It’s amockery going on everywhere. This carrying the cross or any drama, I mean, it was such a miserable thing. And to enact it – I don’t know why people want to do that, I just can’t understand, I can’t bear it.

But I mean if you have feelings, you can see within yourself. It cannot be a ceremony, a ritual – to be sacrificed and to be resurrected. It’s the actuality, is the becoming, is not any drama. And people want to see a drama like that and be satisfied.

For us Sahaja Yogis it is important to understand the significance of Christ’s life.”

Shree Mataji Nirmlala Devi, 06.04.1980


Catholic Family Services likes Sahaja Yoga March 27, 2015


The Truth has to be universal for all August 24, 2014

“The Truth has to be universal and has to be for all of them, whether they are Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, atheist. It has to be for every one of you. So, you do not put it into compartments and strangle it, because then that is the end for your seeking.

That is the death of your seeking. As I told you before, a tree has many flowers and it has beautiful, one, whole personality. People take the flowers with them saying, “This is my flower. This is my flower.” They remove it from the whole and the flowers become ugly and die out. The sap of life moves in the tree all over, it does not stick on to one flower because it is one in unison with the power of God.

We, human beings, are separated, specially for the purpose of our independant development, but, in our wisdom we should be able to see all this around us and learn from it. There are so many thing which teach us that do not get into compartments. Does a tree say that ‘I belong to England’ or ‘I belong to India’? If it cannot prosper in one climate, it does not, that’s all”.

1979, July 16, London, England


The Holy Spirit is a Woman November 26, 2010

Among the most ancient Christians it was understood that the Holy Spirit is female.  The earliest gospel, Mark, states that the Holy Spirit descended like a dove.  The word for “dove” in Greek is peristera, and it carries the feminine gender.  The Hebrew word ruach meaning “Spirit” is also feminine.  The Hebrew phrase Ruach Elohim is used throughout the Old Testament for “Spirit of God.”

Here are some quotes from early Christians, which affirm the femininity of the Holy Spirit:

The primordial consciousness permanently exists as three: Father, Mother, and Son.[1]

The Holy Spirit is the mother of all living.[2]

Elchasai asserts that the male is the Son of God, and that the female is the Holy Spirit.[3]

Christ sits on a throne at the right hand of God, and “On God’s left sits a Virgin on a throne, the Holy Spirit, and she praises him.  Seven virgins are at her command.”[4]

The seven virgins are apparently a reference to the idea that the Holy Spirit gives forth seven spirits from Herself – an idea that is mentioned by numerous Biblical Prophets, as we shall see shortly.

The Gnostics called the primordial Goddess “Mother,” “Virgin,” “Womb,” and “Voice.”[5] Indeed, there are a large number of Gnostic sources that clearly assert that the Holy Spirit is female:

The Logos brings them back to the Father, Mother, and limitless pleasures of Jesus.[6]

The Holy Spirit came upon Mary, that is, Sophia and the Most High.  This was the creative force, and it was stashed away, so that what was given to Mary could be fashioned by the Spirit.[7]

Callistus says that the Spirit became incarnate in the virgin.[8]

I am the Father, I am the Mother, and I am the Son.  I am the sanctified indestructible One. [9]

She was the first thought of the Everything.  Her light is like His light, the perfection of the invisible – the perfect Virgin Spirit.[10]

I praise the Primal Origin, the aons, and these three:  the Father, the Mother, and the Son.[11]

When the Father created the universe, he left a lot for the Mother.[12]

Irenaeus described a Gnostic idea that Sophia, in the form of Achamoth, will marry the Christ.[13] A similar idea is known to exist from Revelation and from drawings in the Catacombs; that the Church is female, and Christ will marry the Church.

Early Catholic circles were no exception.  They also declared the femininity of the Holy Spirit, calling her “Sophia,” which is the Greek name for Divine Wisdom personified as a woman.

The Logos, who is the Son, was always with the Father.  Sophia also, who is the Spirit, was in God’s presence before anything was created.[14]

The Trinity is God, his Logos, and his Sophia.[15]

This was before the Virgin Mary replaced the Holy Spirit as the primary symbol of female divinity in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches – something that did not happen until several hundred years after Jesus walked the earth.

As for the Virgin Mary, she was not the real biological mother of Jesus.  Mary was only a womb into which he was placed after he was conceived.  The real mother of Jesus is the Holy Spirit.  Jesus himself testifies to this effect, as did his early followers:

My Mother, the Holy Spirit, took me by one of my hairs and carried me to Mount Tabor.[16]

It should be noted here that this comes from the Gospel of the Hebrews, which received an endorsement from Eusebius around 310 AD.  Eusebius was no Gnostic.  He was an Orthodox Christian who despised all forms of heresy.  Several Gnostic books he discarded.  Yet he endorsed the Gospel of the Hebrews, which contains this quote.  Here is what Eusebius said:

Some have found a place in the list for ‘The Gospel of Hebrews’ since it has a unique appeal to Hebrews who believe in Christ.  These books (in the list) would all be grouped together with the disputed books, but I feel compelled to list the latter separately, making a distinction between those books which, according to church tradition, are recognized as authentic – and those in a different category, not Biblical, but disputed and familiar to most clergymen, for we should not confuse these with the forgeries published by heretics…”[17]

Early Gnostic sources follow below:

Jesus said, “My mother, my true mother, gave me life…”[18]

People say Mary got pregnant by the Holy Spirit, but they are wrong.  Since when has a woman procreated with another woman?  Mary is a virgin.  Nothing had sex with her.[19]

This idea is corroborated by Luke, where the angel says to Mary,

The Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.  Therefore, that holy one to whom you shall give birth will be called the Son of God.[20]

We have all heard that the Holy Spirit came to Mary, but who is this other character named the “Most High?”  Translated into Hebrew, the “Most High” is Elyon, who is mentioned many times in the Old Testament, and in the English Bibles is translated consistently as the “Most High.”  Elyon is a derivative of El, the Father-God of the ancient Hebrews and of their Western Semitic kinfolk.

In other words, it was God the Father and the Holy Spirit who conceived Jesus Christ.  The “biological” parents of Jesus are the other two members of the Trinity.  Mary had nothing to do with it.  Rather, her womb was merely used to incubate Jesus after conception.  God did this in order to deceive the hound of hell, the princes of the pit, and the archons of Abaddon into believing Jesus was more human than he really was, so that when he descended into the underworld to preach the gospel to the dead, Abaddon would believe he was only a dead man, and fail to recognize him as a living God.  Thus Jesus was a Trojan horse in hell who “led captives out of hell and gave gifts to human kind – for what does it mean that he ascended but that he first descended?”  As the Apostle wrote, “The gospel was preached to the dead.”[21]

Wisdom is personified in the book of Proverbs in such a way that She is equal with God.  The Hebrew word for Wisdom, Chokmah, carries the feminine gender.  The Greek word for Wisdom, Sophia, also carries the feminine gender.  Both ancient Jewish and ancient Christian authorities point to Her co-divinity with God, as we shall demonstrate.  Speaking as Wisdom in the first person, the Bible states,

YHWH possessed (qanah) Me (Wisdom) from the beginning of His way, before his ancient works.  I was appointed from before infinity, from the beginning, before the cosmos existed.[22]

From this we can clearly see that Wisdom is coeternal with God – not created by God.

We should note that the RSV’s and JPS’s translation of the Hebrew word qanah as “created” is in the minority.  More translations accept the meaning “to possess,” such as the KJV, NIV, the Standard Version, the Authorized Version of 1611, Webster’s, and World English – all of these acknowledge a meaning other than “created.”  The New American Bible translates it “begot,” just as the Son was begotten, not created.  In any case, the context makes the meaning plain enough.  As Origen said,

We have not been able to find anything in Scripture which indicates that the Holy Spirit was formed or created – not even in the way Solomon speaks about Divine Wisdom.[23]

Moreover, She is not found alone with God, but with the Word beside Her – and so the Blessed Trinity is revealed in Proverbs,

Listen to Wisdom (Chokmah, feminine) and set your heart towards Understanding (Tawboon, masculine).  Yes, if you call out for Knowledge (Beenah, feminine) and lift up your voice for Understanding (Tawboon, masculine)… For YHWH gives Wisdom (Chokmah, feminine).  Out of His mouth comes discernment and Understanding (Tawboon, masculine).[24]

Given the similarity in meaning between the Hebrew Tawboon and the Greek Logos, both of which are masculine in gender, we can identify Tawboon with Logos, Understanding with Christ.  Thus we have here Son and Spirit, Understanding and Wisdom, together with God, completing the Holy Trinity.

That the early church identified Lady Wisdom with the Holy Spirit is beyond a doubt,

For the Word and Wisdom were always present with God, the Son and the Spirit, by Whom and in Whom He freely and spontaneously created everything.  These are the Ones to Whom He said, “Let us make man in Our own image and likeness… Therefore, it was not angels who made us.”[25]

The Word, Who is the Son, was always with the Father.  Wisdom, too, Who is the Spirit, was in God’s presence before anything was created.  For the Spirit declared by Solomon, “By Wisdom God set the foundations of the earth, and by Understanding He set up the heaven.  By His knowledge the Deep burst forth and the clouds dropped down the dew…”  and again, “When he began the heavens, I was with Him…”  Therefore, there is one God, Who, by the Word and Wisdom created and arranged everything.”[26]

The ancient Jews confirmed Her divinity also, as their interpretations of Proverbs bear witness,

Wisdom came forth before all things, and prudent Understanding from eternity.[27]

Wisdom will praise Herself… “From eternity, in the beginning He brought Me forth, and for eternity I will never cease to exist.”[28]

She knows and understands everything.[29]

Wisdom is more versatile than any motion.  Since She is pure, she pervades and penetrates everything.  She is the breath (Ruach/Spirit) of God’s power, and the spotless emanation of the Almighty’s glory.  Thus, no unclean thing finds a place within Her.  She is the reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of God’s works, the image of His goodness.  She is only one, but She can accomplish anything, and being within Herself, She rejuvenates everything.  Throughout all generations She lives within holy souls, making them God’s friends and His prophets.[30]

This last quote is especially interesting, since it points to the fact that ancient pre-Christian Judaism identified Wisdom with the Spirit of prophecy, a trait of the Holy Spirit.

So Why Do They Call the Holy Spirit “He,” Not “She?”

Certainly, English Bibles have been calling the Holy Spirit “He” according to the masculine gender for a long time.  You might ponder, “There must be a reason for this.”  Indeed there is!  Jesus said,

But the Parakletos, Who is the Holy Spirit, Who the Father will send in My name, He will teach you everything…”[31]

The pronoun “He” is demanded since the Greek word Parakletos, is a masculine noun.  It means “advocate” (or “comforter” as Origen and the KJV would have it).

Many Christians regard the word Paraklete as a proper name for the Holy Spirit, but this assumption is false, because the Holy Spirit is not the only Paraklete.

If anyone sins, we have a Parakletos Who is with the Father – Jesus Christ the righteous.[32]

We see here that Jesus Christ is a Paraklete along with the Holy Spirit, Who is another Paraklete.

I (Christ) will pray to the Father and He will give you another Parakletos, Who will live with you forever, even the Spirit of truth.[33]

What does the term “another” mean except that there must be at least two Parakletes, the Son and the Spirit.  Therefore, the word “Paraklete” cannot be a specific name for the Holy Spirit.  It is not a proper name.  It is only a descriptive noun whose gender is incidental and unimportant.  Once this is grasped, the masculinity of the Holy Spirit becomes completely unnecessary.

Another reason for why the Holy Spirit is traditionally called “He” occurs because of Hebrew-Greek translation issues.  As discussed above, the Hebrew word Ruach, a feminine noun meaning breath, wind, or spirit, was used frequently in the Hebrew Bible in the phrase Ruach Elohim which means “Spirit of God.”  Thus, the Holy Spirit of the Old Testament is undoubtedly feminine.  When the Hebrew was translated into Greek, the Greek word Pneuma was chosen to substitute for Ruach, since it also meant breath, wind, or spirit.  But the gender was lost in translation, for Pneuma carries a neuter gender.  Thus, the phrase Pneuma to Agion, which is used very commonly throughout the New Testament and means “Holy Spirit,” actually possesses a neuter gender.  We can see the linguistic tension displayed by studying several translations of Acts 8:15-16,

He prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for IT had not yet fallen on any of them – RSV

He prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (For as yet HE was fallen upon none of them) – KJV

Prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them – NIV

The RSV preserves the most literal meaning, calling the Holy Spirit an “it,” according to pneuma’s neuter gender.

The KJV calls the Holy Spirit “He” in an attempt to preserve the Personhood of the Trinity’s third member, but the literal translation demands the pronoun “It.”

The NIV attempts to sidestep the issue altogether, intentionally ignoring the actual Greek and spelling out the noun again when, in fact, the Greek text demands a pronoun instead.

In any case, the Holy Spirit is most definitely female.  Furthermore, She gives forth seven spirits from Herself:

Wisdom (Sophia) has built Her house.  She has hewn out Her seven pillars… She says, “Come, eat My bread and drink the wine I have mixed.”[34]

Grace and peace be with you from Him Who is, Who was, and Who is to come, and from the seven Spirits Who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ… I saw seven golden candlesticks… seven stars.[35]

Behold!  A candlestick of gold, with a bowl on top, and seven lamps, and seven passageways to each lamp.[36]

There are seven eyes on that stone.[37]

These are the seven eyes of Yahweh, which run to and fro across the whole earth.[38]





Click here to learn more about how Jesus may have been a space alien and other paranormal mysteries of the New Testament.

The creationist narrative in Genesis 1 is contradicted by many ancient Christian texts.  Instead of an Almighty Creator God, ancient Christian texts espouse that the universe is born from blind arrogance and stupidity.  The angels caused evolution to occur from species to species.  There are many gods, (or aliens?), and the Christian God is just one among them.  Satan the Devil writes scripture, and thus the Bible was polluted with Genesis 1.  Archaeology and modern scholarship demonstrate that Genesis is indeed corrupted.  Cavemen walk with Adam and Eve.  Esoteric prophecies reveal the coming of Christ, and also reveal the dark forces that govern the cosmos.  Such are the ancient Christian writings.

Sciencevindicates the truth of these ideas. Evolution often happens too fast for Darwin’s theory.  Gaps in the fossil record indicate that some kind of unnatural force acts together with natural selection.  Astrobiology reveals that intelligent life probably evolved long before us.  The fossil record reveals strange clues that aliens abducted species and transported them across oceans, and that DNA from diverse lineages was combined to spawn hybrid species.  Evidently, aliens influence evolution, and they are the gods of the world’s religions.

This is not fiction.  All these facts are thoroughly documented in the links above.

[1] The Trimorphic Protennoia, Nag Hammadi 13:37

[2] The Apocryphon of John, Nag Hammadi 2:10

[3] Hippolytus.  The Refutation of All Heresies 9:8

[4] On the Origin of the World, Nag Hammadi 2:105

[5] The Trimorphic Protennoia, Nag Hammadi 13:38

[6] The Gospel of Truth, Nag Hammadi 1:24

[7] Hippolytus.  The Refutation of All Heresies 6:30

[8] Hippolytus.  The Refutation of All Heresies 9:7

[9] The Apocryphon of John, Nag Hammadi 2:2

[10] The Apocryphon of John, Nag Hammadi 2:4-5

[11] The Apocryphon of John, Nag Hammadi 2:9

[12] The Dialogue of the Savior, Nag Hammadi 3:144

[13] Irenaeus.  Against Heresies 1.7.1

[14] Irenaeus.  Against Heresies 4.20.3-4, 4.20.1

[15] Theophilus.  To Autolycus 2:15

[16] The Gospel of the Hebrews

[17] Eusebius.  The History of Church 3:25

[18] The Gospel of Thomas 101

[19] The Gospel of Philip, Nag Hammadi 2:55

[20] Luke 1:35

[21] Ephesians 4:8-9, 1st Peter 4:6, 3:19

[22] Proverbs 8:22-23

[23] Origen, 225 AD

[24] Proverbs 2:2-6

[25] Irenaeus, 180 AD, Against Heresies 4.20.1

[26] Irenaeus, 180 AD, Against Heresies 4.20.3-4

[27] Sirach 1:4

[28] Sirach 24:1,9

[29] Wisdom of Solomon 9:11

[30] Wisdom of Solomon 7:24-27

[31] John 14:26

[32] 1st John 2:1

[33] John 14:16

[34] Proverbs 9:1, 9:5

[35] Revelation 1:4-5, 1:12-20

[36] Zechariah 4:2

[37] Zechariah 3:9


The Christian Goddess July 1, 2008

“Many theologians and scholars believe the Holy Spirit written as,
Pneuma in Greek every time it appears in the New Testament, is a
feminine being. Note that Pneuma is a neuter word in Greek, but in
Hebrew the word Ruah (Spirit) and in Aramaic the word Shekinah
(Presence) are feminine words and imply a feminine divine presence.
The Holy Spirit is possibly a Christian Goddess, not a mysterious
invisible member of an all-male Trinity “club.” Or more
provocatively, maybe there is a Feminine Trinity of God-the-Mother
(Sophia and Mary?), God-the-Daughter (Mary Magdalene) and Goddess-the-
Spirit-Presence (Shekinah, Ruah). The Holy Spirit appears at Yeshua’s
baptism in the form of a dove. The dove has long been a symbol of the
Goddess in the Ancient Near East, and was never used to symbolize any
male Being or God.

We must also look in the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible, and
consider the Goddess Sophia. Her name means “Wisdom.” She is the
Goddess of Wisdom referred to repeatedly in scripture as the wife of
God-the-Father. See Proverbs, Song of Songs, (also called Song of
Solomon) in the Hebrew Bible, and see the Book of Sirach and the Book
of Wisdom in the Apocrypha found in the center of any Catholic Bible.

Here is an excerpt from “The Decline of the Feminine and the Cult of
Mary In Greco-Roman Christianity” , probably because of the dangers of
Gnosticism, the biblical images of God as female were soon suppressed
within the doctrine of God. God as Wisdom, Hokmah in Hebrew, or
Sophia in Greek, a feminine form, was translated by Christianity into
the Logos concept of Philo, which is masculine and was defined as the
Son of God. The Shekinah, the theology of God’s mediating presence as
female, was de-emphasized; and God’s Spirit Ruah, a feminine noun in
Hebrew, took on a neuter form when translated into Greek as Pneuma.

The Vulgate translated Ruah into Latin as masculine, Spiritus. God’s
Spirit, Ruah, which at the beginning of creation brings forth
abundant life in the waters, makes the womb of Mary fruitful. In
spite of the reality of the caring, consoling, healing aspects of
divine activity, the dominant patriarchal tradition has prevailed,
resulting in seeing the female as the passive recipient of God’s
creation; and the female is expressed in nature, church, soul, and
finally Mary as the prototype of redeemed humanity. Because God as
father has become an over literalized metaphor, the symbol of God as
mother is eclipsed. The problem lies not in the fact that male
metaphors are used for God, but that they are used exclusively and
literally. Because images of God as female have been suppressed in
official formulations and teaching, they came to be embodied in the
figure of Mary who functioned to reveal the unfailing love of God.”

The Christian Goddess html


The Holy Spirit in the Bible is regarded as: June 25, 2008

According to various Jewish/Christians scholars the Holy Spirit in
the Bible is regarded as:

1. Some mysterious, creative power of God, possessing and inspiring

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of
God dwelleth in you.
1 Corinthians 3:16

Now the Lord is that Spirit: And where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of
Rom. 8: 14

Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: For we know not what
we should pray for as we ought:
But the Spirit itself makes intercession for us, with groanings
which cannot be uttered.
And he that searches the heart know, what is the mind of the Spirit,
Because She makes intercessions for the saints, according to the
will of God.
Rom. 8: 26-27

2. The Spirit of God;

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:2

Then said Mary unto the angel, how shall this be, seeing I know not
a man?
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost will come
unto thee:
Therefore also that holy thing that shall be born of thee, shall be
called the Son of God.”
Luke 1:34-35

For what man knows the things of man, save the spirit of man which
is in him?
Even so the things of God knows no man, but the Spirit of God.
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit
which is of God;
That we may know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom
But which the Holy Ghost teaches, comparing spiritual things with
1 Corinthians 2: 13

3. The inner principal in the `new life’ in Christ;

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because She hath anointed me to
preach the gospel to the poor;
She hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to
the captives,
And recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that
are bruised
Luke 4:18

4. A quasi-physical force in the form of wind;

But knowest not whence it comes and where it goes; thus is every one
that is born of the Spirit.
John 3:8

5. The personal activity of God Himself;

Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit
from me.
Psalms 51:11

6. A supreme Spirit in prophecy;

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man:
But holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
2 Peter 1:21

7. The Spirit which baptizes;

For John truly baptized with water;
But ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost, not many days hence.
Acts 1: 5

8. The mode of God’s activity in history;

But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the
Even the Spirit of Truth, which proceeds from the Father, She shall
testify of Me.
John 15:26

“We might go so far, as to consider the Holy Spirit, God’s feminine
presence in the world. The primary attribute of the feminine
principle is receptivity. Therefore, the Holy Spirit demonstrates
itself through it receptivity to others. I have mentioned before,
the Kabbalist look upon Shekinah, a Hebrew term which means God’s
presence, as the feminine expression of the Divine. Likewise, in the
Genesis story, the Spirit of God is said to be “hovering” over the
void and formless world just before creation. In college, my Old
Testament Professor remarked, “It’s the idea of a hen hovering over
her egg, waiting for it to hatch.” In this sense, the Holy Spirit,
is mother God, who loves and shelters all her children without
condition. ”

9. The living energy of a personal God;

But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of
God is come unto you.
Mat. 12:28

10. The breath of the Almighty;

By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of
them by the breath of his mouth.
Psalms 33: 6

The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty has
given me life.
Job 33: 4

Thou sendest forth Thy Spirit, they are created: and Thou renewest
the face of the earth.
Psalms 104: 30

The grass withers, the flowers fade: Because the Spirit of the Lord
blows upon it.
Isaiah 40:7

The other word used most often of the Holy Spirit is the Greek word
pneuma. It is translated as “breath” or “spirit” and means breath,
breeze, wind or spirit.”

“The term “Spirit” translates the Hebrew word ruah, which, in its
primary sense, means breath, air, wind. Jesus indeed uses the
sensory image of the wind to suggest to Nicodemus the transcendent
newness of him who is personally God’s breath, the divine Spirit.”
J. Cardinal Ratzinger, Catechism of the Catholic Church
(J.C.R., Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994, p. 182.)

11. The Spirit in supernatural endowments of ethical and spiritual

I have heard of thee that the Spirit of the Gods is in thee,
And the Light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in
Daniel 51:14

And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of Wisdom
and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of Knowledge and of the
fear of the Lord.
Isaiah 11: 2

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man, to profit
For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; To another the
word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
To another faith by the same Spirit; To another the gifts of healing
by the same Spirit;
To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; To another
discerning of spirits;
To another diverse kinds of tongues; To another the interpretation
of tongues;
But all these worketh that one and selfsame Spirit.
1. Corinthians 11: 7-11

12. The Spirit of wisdom and judgment;

But there is a Spirit in man: And the inspiration of Almighty gives
them understanding.
Great men are not always wise: Neither do the aged understand
Job 32:8-9

Turn you at My reproof: Behold, I will pour out My Spirit unto you,
I will make known My Words unto you.
Proverbs 1:23

13. The mode of human communion with God;

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit
upon all flesh;
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall
dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions, and also upon the servants and
upon the handmaidens,
In those days will I pour out My Spirit.
Joel 2:28-29

14. The mode of transmitting God’s revelation to humans;

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord has anointed
To peach good tidings unto the meek; He has sent me to bind up the
To proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison
to them that are bound.
Isaiah 61:1

15. The Spirit which liberates;

Now the Lord if that Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17

16. The Spirit which brings renewal;

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to
His mercy He saved us,
By the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.
Titus 3: 5

17. The Spirit which brings hope;

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad
in our hearts,
By the Holy Spirit which is given unto us.
Rom. 5:5

Now may the God of hope fill you with all the joy,
And peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, by the power of
the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

18. The Spirit which comforts;

I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter,
That may abide with you forever.
John 14: 16

But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the
Even the Spirit of Truth which preceedeth from the Father, She shall
testify of me.
And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from
the beginning.
John 15: 26-27