When unconscious became conscious this is Samadhi

About Peter February 29, 2008

I am Peter from Bulgaria.

Since many years I have been interested from yoga, spirituality and mysticism. My eternal desire was to awaken the inner spiritual energy – Kundalini.

In 1990 I was invited to Sahaja yoga program and was able to experience spontaneous realization.

I realize that all the scriptures, prophets and religions have the same message – spiritual awakening, second birth, awakening of  Divine Sacred Feminine —Shakti/Holy Spirit/Ruh/ Tao/Aykaa Mayee.  

Here I would like to share this experience with all of you.


238 Responses to “About Peter”

  1. axinia Says:

    Hi, Peter, congratualtions, really nice blog!
    It would be great if you could fill in this “about” section – if you are writing about such deep stuff, it is better to give some information about yourself – people like and appreciate it!

  2. Peter Says:

    Dear Axinia,

    I am in this “business” only from one week and still I need to learn a lot.
    The enthusiasm came when I saw your blogs. Sorry that I used the same type and colors.

    You are sharing your wisdom in very mysterious way. Please keep it up.

    Now I am straggling with text formats. Your advice is welcome.

    Warm regards

  3. axinia Says:

    hi, Peter, now you ahve a nice text 🙂

    great job, keep it up! it would be also good if you can get somebody to support your English (if you want your blog to be really popular).
    I am very pleased that you use my blog as an example 😉
    Sharing is the most enjoyable for yogis, you know.

    Strugglig with text format is familiar to me – the best is to write “inside” the blogpost, in the wordpress format. Otherwise it shifts all the time… You will find your way!
    LOVE, axinia

  4. Peter Says:

    I use English on daily basis in my work, that’s why I don’t expect any problems. 🙂 For the last two years I am not in Bulgaria and in this very moment I am enjoying SY development in Mali.

    Please convey my regards to Natasha.

  5. axinia Says:

    Dear Peter, I wanted to say that any good journalist also need somebody to check the text 🙂 And I personally need it badly!

    Wishing you much success…

    LOVE, axinia

  6. Peter Says:

    Thank you for your recommendation. Definitely I’ll try to learn more.

    I am sure that we will receive enough help.

    • Susan Sutcliffe Says:

      HI Peter

      My name is sue and I am a yogi originally from Africa – and taught English in Lithuania and Baku Azerbaijan, London and New Zealand, so if you would like me to assist you editing the English posts you are most welcome to make contact.

      Susan from Africa

  7. Wow. Interesting and complex thoughts here, Peter!

    Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting. I will be sure to return the favor in the future. I’ve also added you to my blog roll — we yogis need to stick together, right?


  8. Peter Says:

    Thanks Hanah and have a nice day.
    You are in my Blogroll as well.

  9. organicsyes Says:

    Hi Peter,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog:) I will be back to visit and learn more from your work here often.

    I have heard that some people see colors when practicing yoga and others do not….what are your thoughts on this? I have begun to try and capture the colors…it allows me to refocus on my mediation and wonder.


  10. Peter Says:

    My opinion is that you should be careful with visualization. Don’t go there.

    • Susan Sutcliffe Says:


      Visualisation draws on the agya chakra and so the colours you ‘see’ come from the agya chakra or third eye. At this level the ‘meditation’ is therefore a mental activity…. to experience the complete silence of a very deep meditation, it is best to go beyond the agya chakra
      and hold the attention at sahasrara chakra
      – so to give the agya chakra a rest and go beyond the place of thinking and analysing to the experience of total silence.

  11. Deborah Lipp Says:

    Your comment on my blog, Basket of Kisses, got damaged in the software. We don’t know why. We had to delete it because it was causing problems. So thank you for the nice comment, sorry it won’t appear.

  12. Peter Says:

    Don’t worry I’ll stop by later. 🙂

  13. Jane Says:

    Hello, Peter. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Will link you up as another yoga blogger I have discovered somewhere in this great world. Namaste.

  14. guignole Says:

    I’ve experimented with kundalini, but have never reached the unfurling of the snake part. Please tell me more…


    2) 6 OF SUBTLE
    3) 6 OF CAUSEL


  16. Peter Says:

    Thanks for your visit.

    I agree with you. Please accept one little correction of your statement:


    Recently was discovered that there is Torsion fields and they travel 1 000 000 000 times faster than the speed of light.

  17. samasti Says:

    Hi Peter,
    Never can believe how these instant connections happen, but they always do. So I believe on. It is nice to know of your spiritual evolution so to say and your progress in that fiend.

  18. radha Says:

    Hi Peter, do u keep any English version of BhagavaGita? Do you now which one is GOOD? I am looking for one since many months but still didnt find any…many thanks

    • Peter Corden Says:

      The Jnaneshwari by M.R. Yardi
      which is Shri Jnanadeva’s Bhavartha Dipika

      May the following few words be inspired by Shri Jnaneshwar

      Once on India Tour late 80s Shri Mataji asked us to board the old Red Buses that we travelled around Maharastra in attending programs for Self Realisation conducted by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

      Our Holy Mother then sent us to the Shri Jnaneshwar Temple some distance off. On arrival I went with a friend Yogi of Indian birth, we were first into the building and went to the front where a smaller room contained a Swayambhu about a metre high, it was covered in KumKum and we checked it’s vibrations to find no vibrations emitting from it.

      My Yogi friend said lets go outside and circumambulate in a clockwise direction singing Shri Mother’s 3 Great Mantras as we walked. After doing this we went in and put hands out to find the Divine Cool Breeze emitting from the Swayambhu

      We sat with lots of other Yogis meditating in the hall area and enjoying the flow of cool breeze !

      As we departed we saw a False Guru coming with his following towards the Temple and we knew that he had capped the Cool Breeze and Shri Mataji had sent us there to unblock the vibrations and purify the Temple.

      Every thing Shri Mataji did in Her Life with us was for our Salvation !

      Jai Shri Mataji

      Peter of Sierra Leone


      P.S. I find this book, which was recommended by Her Holiness, to be so very invaluable in this turbulent time as we cross the ocean of illusion, so much direction flowing from the lips of Shri Krishna to Arjuna to assist us to go beyond the Maya and witness the play. MAY YOU ASCEND FASTER CAUSE OF IT

      Excerpt :- Fortune has smiled today on the organs of hearing; for they have found the treasure of the Gita. What seemed like a dream has come true.
      See Chapter 4 Sankhyayoga

  19. Peter Says:

    Dear Radha,
    Here is BhagavaGita with Commentary by Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

    This one is good as well.

    Here is GIta with commentary by Shri Jnaneshwar. In chapter 6 he is speaking about Kundalini.

  20. radha Says:

    Thank you so so so much!

  21. Delyan Says:

    Hello, Peter!
    I am very interested in movies about carbon atom that you posted on Can you tell me how did you obtain the 3d lines, that projected on different planes shape the sacred symbols. I will be very glad if you could send me a e-mail about that ( and maybe also some underlying theory), or if you can tell me e-mail of a person that deals with investigation of carbon . JSM!

  22. mymoss Says:

    Hi Peter;
    I must apologize for thinking I could help you with grammar.
    Thanks for the correction.
    What I mean by ‘converting’ is not trying to convince others to adopt my personal choice of Christianity or particular point of view. I realize their is a very fine line there.
    I hope you are having good weather there. It is slowly warming up here in Regina, Canada.

  23. techzen Says:

    beautiful site!! 🙂

  24. Peter Says:


    Thanks for stopping by. The life is beautiful.

  25. Dawn Says:

    Wow! I just found your site and am eager to browse around. So much to see! Thank you for being here!

  26. Peter Says:

    Glad you like it.

    Your site is very cool

  27. bhagyashree Says:

    actually i want to know abt is their any relation between yoga sutras(acharya patanjali’s) with seven chakras??

  28. Peter Says:

    If you want to find more information about chakras please check YS 3.30-3.35.

  29. stephanazs Says:

    Interesting facts.I have bookmarked this site. stephanazs

  30. bway al Says:

    The dialog between Einstein and a Physics Professor about Evil
    never happened. It’s total bullshit just like anything someone
    tells someone about life after death or what some higher being is thinking. You want to think about something think about the
    sound made if a tree falls and no one hears it or the existence of
    a god if no one was around to worship it.
    Our species is at war with our planet. There is nothing wrong with our planet except for one thing. One very big thing. The human species.

  31. Peter Says:

    “Our species is at war with our planet.”

    I agree…do you have a solution ?

  32. Sailaja Says:

    Hi Peter,
    your blog is wonderful with the videos and stories .grreat!!
    I liked the story of “Everyone has an angel sent by GOD and you call her Mom”. Then itself i was just wondering how come this background is exactly same as that of Axinia’s 1000 petals and now here i have the answer. this blog is quite informative. Thanks.

  33. Peter Says:

    Glad you like it…

    Axinia’s 1000 petals was my inspiration.



  34. Madhulika Says:

    Jai shri mataji
    brother r u sahaj yogi!!!!!!!!

  35. Madhulika Says:

    dis is really gud one….its a good way to spread sahaj yoga….

  36. Beautiful site JSM. Very informative.

  37. Peter Says:

    It is not so difficult.

  38. Prasad Says:

    Nice blog.
    So many things around, its only confusion in the minds of seekers. Atleast they are seeking more nowadays.

    We are busy here in DC, USA giving self-realzation.

  39. Wendy Says:

    Hi Peter – Ever since I heard the word enlightenment as a child, I was interested in achieving it so I am enthusiastic with you on that! I am a yoga instructor and writer but I am always an earnest student as well. You are right I think that the truth is known by many names and concepts. And as a writer that is why I feel it is worthwhile to try to express precisely what I intend to say…sometimes challenging! Congratulations to you for reaching out to others, worthwhile and develops courage and humility.
    It seems like we can be born many times in the same life, if we can let the old “self” die. That is why our way of practice must be able to change and respond too.
    Yoga teaches that the practice of Svadhyaya which includes Self-study also study of sacred texts – helps us pay attention to our inner experience – to know our true nature, stop identifying with our patterns or conditioning. So I like that you focus on self knowledge with your image of “The Thinker” who is doing more than thinking of course – absorbed in Samadhi right ! ? Important difference.
    True knowledge involves developing the insight called Buddhi which is awareness centered in the spiritual heart.
    Thank you for your interesting site. – Wendy

    • Peter Says:

      Wendy, thanks for your inspirational words. Yes we can be born many times. First the birth is born as an egg and second the shell needs to be broken. The Sanskrit word for bird and saint is the same-Dvijaha/ twice born/.

      I was able to receive my inner knowledge for chakras by Kundalini awakening in Sahaja yoga. The biggest mistake is to think that we are doing anything. Everything is done by Prakriti-Divine Mother.

      Prakriteh kriyamaanaani gunaih karmaani sarvashah;
      Ahamkaaravimoodhaatmaa kartaaham iti manyate.
      3.27. All actions are wrought in all cases by the qualities of Nature only. He whose mind is
      deluded by egoism thinks: “I am the doer”. 🙂

  40. Jaideep Singh Chandela Says:

    Dear Peter,
    May shri mataji bless u and help you in this work of the divine.It take a few minutes to go thru the contents of shri mataji’s pearls of advice but a lifetime is not enough to understand it ,if one is not in thoughtlessness.

    Keep up the good work ,

  41. Jose Luis Says:

    Hi Peter,
    I feel the same way: Shakti/Shekinah is awakening! Our Adoring Sleeping Beauty….
    I’m disseminating this nice interview with Elaine Pagels and I thought that perhaps it could be interesting for you…

    warm regards
    Jose Luis

  42. P.S.Rao Says:

    Dear Brother,
    Jai Shri Mataji.
    Very nice site. Tremendous work for spreading sahaja yoga. Even we have the oppurtunity to see the opinions/compliments given by sahajs/non sahajis for ur fentastic work. We should learn more from u to become more instrumental. Iam not saying through my emotions. It is real.
    More people have to see your blog to experience the divinity.

  43. Avdhut Says:

    Dear blessed brother,

    this, your effort, is most commendable.

    Thank you for the great heart opening.

    All blessings are yours…

    with Nirmal love.

  44. Robert Says:

    Hei Peter,
    congratulation The web side blog has nice cool breese
    nice work for SY
    salutetion from Canajoharie,NY

  45. Jai Shri Mataji!!!
    All spiritual people, please gather towards your Father in Sahaja Yoga – http://christ–my-son–

  46. persianyogi Says:

    Dear Brothers and Sisters

    Jai Shri Mataji

    Please check your vibrations on this matter. Is there any other divine incarnations than Shri Mataji on this earth. If you feel cool response then Ask mother whether the destroying incarnation of Shri Kalki Christ is now in human form between her children or not and whether he is Richard Embleton or not. Please don’t be afraid of anything if you feel cool response for these questions come to your parent’s holy feet.

    Jai Shri Mataji.

    • Avdhut Says:

      For the first two questions I got cool, for the last, every chakra caught.

      EVERYONE WHO IS FULLY REALISED IS AN INCARNATION, Sri Mataji has often spoken of the children as incarnations, it simply means ‘spirit in the flesh’. Every one has the potential to become that, THAT WAS THE MESSAGE OF JESUS CHRIST, the real one that is…

      Sri Kalki is incarnated in all of us, it is the collective unconcious. The deific archetypes we use are just illusions in their own right, an incarnation knows that everything that is just ‘IS’, and it is beyond concept, that is the meaning of PARABRAHMA.

      Some of you may need Mr. Embleton and what he has to offer, BUT PLEASE GET THAT UGLY BHOOT OUT OF OUR FACE AND STOP TRYING TO FROCE YOUR WAY ONTO THE INNOCENT.

      REMEMBER, many rakshasaas were realised souls too…

      KNOW YOURSELF, Sri Mataji has given us all we need to know to become our own masters, why haven’t ypou learned that ?

      Please stop using this forum to promote yourself.

      • persianyogi Says:

        Dear Avdhut

        Jai Shri Mataji

        Please don’t try to judge Richard it will hurt your subtle body. I see you have analyze these questions with your mind again. by reading your comment I felt some negative energy in your Chakras (left Moladhara and Nabhi and right heart) so in this way you just hurt yourself. please just wait until shri Mataji announce the identity of Shri Kalki and before that try to forgive every one and try not to be aggressive.

        I love you with all my heart dear brother and I am not trying to make you believe something you don’t want to believe.

        And for every one else who read this posts just trust your vibrations and please if you find the truth don’t afraid about what other people say.

        Jai Shri Mataji.

  47. The Human population will form as the collective “Christ” around the central Incarnation of God. About 2000 years ago, the Son of God died on a cross and resurrected for everybody, and in Shri Mataji’s words, below, it is simple to show that the same Son of God is living as a man, waiting for His time to sort out. He does not live in the clouds. Who did you think Shri Mataji has been telling you about for forty years?!? Please don’t say you’ve all wasted God’s, Shri Mataji’s and Christ’s time!!!

    “For us, in between Christ and the destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu called Kalki’, there is a ‘Time Given’ for human beings to rectify themselves to enable them to enter the kingdom of God. The Bible calls this ‘The Last Judgment’. that you will all be judged on this Earth. The population of the world is maximum, as practically all those who have aspirations to enter into the kingdom of God, have been born in the Modern Times, or are going to be born very soon.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Bombay, India – 28-9-1979

    “You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with your friends, and you have to tell them, “You better all get realized.” The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified Himself is going to come back with His Eleven Forces of Destruction. And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here (pointing to the Sahasrara), as I say, in the Seventh Chakra.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA – Oct. 6, 1981

    Jai Shri Matajji!!!

    • Avdhut Says:

      your words > …it is simple to show that the same Son of God is living as a man, waiting for His time to sort out.<

      Rather, it's easy to read what you want into what Sri Mataji is saying.

  48. Avdhut Says:

    Of course there’s aggression…it’s Karmic; did you ask anyone if you could promote your agenda here ?

    It’s your chakras you are feeling, after alL, we’re all one, not so.

    Let go of the ego my friend.

    Remember always

    .. remember always that Gauri created Ganesha from Her own Vibrations.
    Ganesha has no father.
    And I have created you as Sahaja Yogis only by myself.

    H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Jaisinghpur, India, April 9, 1990

    And you may have heard Sri Mataji say we are all made in the image of Sri Ganesha ?!


    Lions and tigers

    So I have to make you understand that today, please have full introspection, soul searching. Find out what’s wrong with us. Do not pamper your ego, because ego makes you idiotic – that you must have seen. We have some people in Sahaja Yoga who are like that, idiots, but they think no end of themselves. We all know that. We have to have some buffoons also in the circus. But we have to have lions and tigers. What impresses the people are the lions and the tigers, and not the buffoons. So it is important, let us have the introspection and see for ourselves how much we have done for Sahaja Yoga.

    H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, extract from Navaratri Puja 1990 (1990-0923)


    Anybody who tries to show off, if you run after that person, that means you have not fathomed your own depth. You must know what is your depth. And don’t get impressed by somebody because he can dominate you very well and he can go about. Just stand on your own two legs and see for yourself.
    (extract from a talk to the Australians on India Tour, 1988-1217)

    You all have direct relationship with me, not through anyone. If you want to accept somebody’s agency, then I can’t help you. But otherwise you all have a direct access to me. You all can grow your Spirits; nobody can dominate you. Everyone has complete freedom to know their Spirit. And the Spirit is something cannot be dominated by anyone. … Thank God we don’t have any organization. Thank God we don’t have secretaries, assistant secretaries, under secretaries, vice secretaries, upper secretaries, lower secretaries – we don’t have any nonsense. Otherwise even that would have been dominating to people. Then they would have fought that. So we don’t have that problem. We don’t have any money problem, because we don’t have all these nonsensical ideas. I have solved these problems by having no institutions, no positions. Everybody has position.
    (Q+A, London, 1982-0806)


    Please, stop making a fool of us all. Do what you like, but leave us alone. We don’t need you.

    I can’t hurt my chakras by judging your leader because I’m not attached to the outcome, I have absolutely nothing to lose, I am not my catches, SO DON’T TRY THAT GUILT THING WITH ME …

    >” I am not trying to make you believe something you don’t want to believe.”< – SO SHUT UP THEN !!

    Have you ever heard what Sri Mataji says about people with long hair ? I feel sorry for you, do really believe Jeshru looked like he's depicted in the pictures ??

    Time to wake up and be your own Guru.

    • persianyogi Says:

      Dear Brother

      Jai Shri Mataji

      it is very nice words from Mother thanks for putting them here. But If you think I am an Idiot or a person with a shallow depth or an egoistical person so let me speak my words freely why are you using this kind of language which probably hurt your Vishudhi Chakra. Other Sahaja yogis have their Vibrations as well as you and I am putting these posts for them and if you really believe that there is no Organization in Sahaja yoga and everything is happening according to people’s freedom of choice so let them decide. Please try to find the divine love in your heart Mother has thousands of lectures but there is only one message she wants us to hear and that message is of love, unconditional love.

      I think anyone who compare these posts can find out which one of us has ego problem Dear Brother but again I forgave you and love you.

      Jai Shri Mataji.

  49. Avdhut Says:

    yes, freedom, that was her gift to us, true freedom, no need of Embletons and the likes of you.

    no ego problem my friend, just words of truth…

    you really think Sri Kalki is some softy softy lovey dovey principle, think again, it’s about clear cut right and wrong,


    I am writing because before you came with your meassage of hope and ‘ unconditionaL love’ I was enjoying this wonderful blog, now you’re coming through to my e-mail box and I can’t stop you… even in my spam box you’re creating unwanted work for me.

    Ahhh well, that’s unconditional LOVE and the message of Christ, ( forgive them they know not what they do .)

    I really understand the importance of humour now, especially with clowns who really aren’t so funny…but don’t worry, I understand, you really don’t know what you are doing,

    That’s it really if you think about it, if you really were a representative of the great lord and master you claim to be, there would be no talking back to me just silent awareness that you’re ‘father’ would take care of everything.

    But instead you’re busy trying to ‘save’ those who are still neither here nor there in their understanding of themselves.

    Well. sorry my friend, but it’s up to us now, people who really know themselves, the ‘divine intervention’ has already been made, at least for us who have chosen to surrender to the cool breeze, thus going beyond the maya of deific representation.

    It’s all about vibrations from now on, yours and mine. And ye, I would be ‘punished’ for judging Embleton, but not by him…by my SELF, everything we need is within us, only within, all the keys are there, given by our Mother and Guru Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    All it requires is patient discrimination to sit and enter the kingdom, which we can do at will, thanks be to Her.

    Keep the faith my friend, and you too will come through this leela.


    You liked the talks, good, here are some more, the question is,are you paying attention to Her, or something else…

    Absolute truth in Nirvikalpa

    So, the relationship with God if it has to establish, we have to become first of all the spirit; then only this relation can be established. One may certify oneself, “I am this, I am that” but it’s no good, it is of no use; because this human body is given to you. Imagine what this divine Power must have done to make you a human being – how gently, carefully, beautifully you are made a human being. And now, why this human body you have got it? What are we using it for? We must evaluate our human life, what is it for? Is it for just insurance or I don’t know what else they do; but is it for something, that we become the light of the world?
    H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, extract from 2nd Public Program, Madras (Chennai), 7/12/91

    Note she said ‘WE’ have become the light of the world, which means we ( those who accept Her teaching ) have transended the need for any deific archetype, even in human form, to help us cross the agnya ( all Jesus wannadees included ).

    Now this was the work of the Goddess before. Goddess used to give enlightenment, and Goddess used to be alert for you. She would sit like a tigress for Her children. They are praying, they are doing puja, they are doing some sort of a homa, havana, so the Goddess would sit down, protect them from all negativity coming, all rakshasas coming, kill them, this, do that. But that stage is gone now. Now She’s entered into you.

    So you have to kill your negativity, you’ve become as powerful as your Mother. No negativity can touch you. So you can give realization, you’ve got that power very well; and you can watch your defects more than that of others. And you try to put them out because they’re not good, they’re not for your benevolence, they’re not for your ascent. By that nobody is going to gain. At the collective level it just works automatically. You don’t have to worry. It comes to culmination and a person goes out; as if somebody runs up like a blind fellow on a cliff and jumps, jumps down. You don’t have to worry too much about this. It just works. You have seen it has worked that way.
    H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, extract from Navaratri Puja, Margate, England, 1989

    No negativity can touch us (quote)…so why would we possibly need Mr.Embleton ?!?


    *** And this is what I and so many others will be doing to get away from the likes of your leader and his following –

    A subtler understanding
    … we have to now jump into another realm of a subtler understanding of Sahaja Yoga.

    First we are worried about our families, our children, our households; then, our marriages. One after another all these questions came up, and we were concerned about all these things; little, little things. Then we also got concerned about the ashrams which we were running: the problems of the ashram, what we have been doing, how we have been facing the problems, how people are creating problems. That’s how our humanity started acquiring a subtler understanding. And then we also realized that we are blessed by God, that there’s something great that is always looking after us, some higher Force, some special Attention is there about us. This is what we realized.

    Today I was explaining how it happens, that how we realize that God is helping us too. Any problem is an effect of some sort of a cause – every problem. Like Mona wrote a letter that she was driving in a motorway and the car went out of control, and the brake would not act. And there was a car coming from the right, car coming from the left, cars going through in front and behind. And she felt that they’ll be finished – two of them were traveling, two Sahaja yoginis. So the cause was the car or the brake or whatever it was, the mechanism, and the effect was all the problem. So now, how to overcome that problem? Supposing you try to neutralize the effect, you cannot, because cause is still there. You try to improve the cause, it doesn’t work out. Then what to do? So the easiest thing is to cross the cause, to ascend over, to go beyond the cause; so the cause does not exist for you, so the effect does not exist for you. As long as the cause exists in your attention, the effect will be there. So what did she do? She just prayed to me, just thought of me that “Mother, now it’s my last chance” – that’s all. So the cause disappeared, because you go beyond it. And the effect also disappeared, and she was surprised.

    So you must ascend away from the cause.

    H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, extract from Christmas Puja, England, 1984 (1984-1123)

    • persianyogi Says:

      Dear Brother

      Jai Shri Mataji

      First of all thank you for changing the language you use. And then you are right the pure desire and the pure attention of Shri Kalki will bring all the capable souls at his divine feet eventually Then you should know that Sahaja yogis have an Important role in this divine plan because we are the supports for billions of humanity who should be saved before it is too late. And because of that Sahaja yogis Should know about Shri Kalki Christ and grow themselves in absolute silence of mind and pure desire and attention. Please just ask Shri Mataji and check vibrations. And do not try to understand the divinity with your mental Ideas.

      “What is there to worry about when all the Angels and all the Ganas are working for you?! You just have to order – that’s
      all! You have to know that you are all realized souls and that all of you have all the powers within you! The only thing,
      which is very important, though, is the balance. There is such a powerful energy all around. Nothing can stop you, nothing
      can arrest you, nothing can find fault with you! But when you start doubting, when you say ‘but, but’…. when you start
      thinking about ‘man-made laws’, then God’s laws fail! Otherwise, nobody can punish you, nobody can arrest you, nobody
      can do anything to you! You are absolutely protected!”
      Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Guru Puja – ‘Guru Puja Synopsis’ – Cabella, Italy – 4 July 1993

      If you can’t forgive people for little things, or simple disappointments then you cannot help other people grow and cannot give them the Power to become forgiving people, which is different to simply
      forgiving each other. You need to become “Forgiveness”.
      only in absolute silence of mind you can be the support for human beings.

      About emails which you received from my post I give you this advice : “you must ascend away from the cause.”

      And you are right You are protected by all the divines but does it mean that you should stop your seeking and become an inactive personality who is ” good for nothing “?

      with many love for you my dear brother

      Jai Shri Mataji.

  50. Avdhut Says:

    About emails which you received from my post I give you this advice : “you must ascend away from the cause.”

    …that’s funny… your advice is exactly what I told you we would be doing…

    Did you miss that somewhere along the line, perhaps the same fog that’s preventing you from seeing how lost you are, and how hard you’re trying to mis-lead others.

    Peace, my friend, peace is all there is :-))

  51. Avdhut Says:

    Does this look like I’m ‘in active’, and I will never take your or Mr. Embleton’s judgement on wether or not I’m ‘…good for nothing.’

  52. kalkichrist Says:

    See, I put some Quotes of Shri Mataji’s here and they didn’t suit the mental concepts of the person who runs this blog, so why bother? Persian Yogi, there is a dead end with this person. Just give the problem up to Divine in Sahasrara and leave it at that. In Self-realization, the Self is given attention to make a powerful Human, to increasing degrees. Then, once the person can be considered a genuine Yogi, they can settle a vast and un0attached attention on the collective, which is the bigger ‘Self’. But when somebody tries to get hot tempered and Agnya shut, certain people can do, hypocites and such, then the Yogi’s attention and their whole soul connection to actually lift and balance other more ready people in the ‘collective Self’ will be wasted on self-generating poisons. So later the other people can have the real Peace of Spirit. Let Us move along, then, dear Persian Yogi. Thanks for trying. 🙂
    With Love and Peace,

  53. Avdhut Says:

    >’…does it mean that you should stop your seeking ‘<

    OF COURSE IT DOES…there's nothing left to seek.

    Please note, even Jesus showed his disdain for the foolish.

    Unconditional love si such that you will get what's coming to you wether you want it or not…so long as it's good for you.

    So yes, what a blessing your letters have been, I prostrate before your glorious Lord and Father…not.

    I eagerly await the next divine instalment 🙂

    oh lots and lots of lovey dovey to you to my dear dear brother who is oh so loving to me…I thank Sri Mataji for giving me this blessing of seeing my own folly…hyaaar hyaaar haaaa…and please, please, bestow my humble apologies to our lord andmaster embleton, though I KNOW he'll forgive me for my erroneous ways, oh most beneficient one…panaams pranaams for ever more…but of course, his magnificents won't be concerned with such things, just that I should be SAVED…HOW FOOLISH OF ME…but then you know what they say…


    WAKEY WAKEY…rise and shine…up and at 'em everybodyyyy…

  54. kalkichrist Says:

    Loving, Peaceful and Dharmic – Quotes by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

    (Not ugly, arrogant, adharmic, and sarcastic… )
    Like the people who make war and kill and judge while using God’s name and His Incarnations’ names while doing and saying ugly things to other people and then laughing with full bellies, rotten in sedition!!! How can somebody say they are a ‘Sahaja Yogi’ and then write such filth and hatred, arrogance, and align with Shri Mataji?!?? What???!!!!!

    “Then there can be a person who is hurt in his ego. Such a person also can become very funny. Hurt ego becomes a baloon like stuff. You see, if you hit the balloon from outside or from inside, it will swell up. Such a person can become very funny, and can be very very artificially in humble joy. So that also is a very clear personality one can develop.”
    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

    Feel the burning vibrations off the writings of ‘Avdhut’

    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

  55. Avdhut Says:

    Just a reflection of yourself my friend…

    When HE comes I’m sure he will not be like either you OR me…


    For every body else, you see, Embleton was a burnt out hippie in his home country of South Africa, lived in the bush, found some peace, and felt ‘ahh I must be a great man, I’ve found that thing that all theseekers are looking for, that makes me special and I’m going to show the whole world how special by ‘helping’ everyone.’ Only thing is, he’s not doing it for you, he’s doing it for himself.

    And so, unable to be accepted by people in his own country, he got hitched in the old communist block where so many wre already being mis-led by machismo and ‘leadership’.

    Not to say leaders in the west aren’t idiots too, but we’ve got used to their foibles and, despite having to live with it, we see through it.

    Back in the hippy days, we had ‘Embletons’ jumping out from behind every other bush, saying ‘look at me, I’m so cool, I know where it’s at, come on we’ll have a GOOD time together.’
    And so all the groupies flocked to their sides, wide-eyed and in awe. It was such gullability that allowed all the entrepreneurs to succed so easily over here.

    Thankfully, in communist state, you were, in an odd way, protected from all that. But you’re getting it now. All I can say is remember the the truth in the Bible which warns against those who can quote scripture. Christ said a man can only be judged by the fruits of his words AND his actions.

    Mr.Embleton has come up with his own retorts in defense of mine, his bile is as evident as mine, which makes us no different at the end of the day, but I’m not claiming to be an incarnation.

    I would encourage you to check this man’s vibrations, as they suggest, and be sure you can. In order to do so you need to be fully surrendered to God. Sri Mataji has given us all we need for that, and we need nothing else to become complete, in fact we already were before we came to Sahaja Yoga, it’s just that we didn’t realise it. Realising it takes us beyond the mind, then their is nothing left to do but express the joy within, and the best way to do that is by giving realisation.

    Mr. Embleton cannot give you anything that you do not already have. Some of you may feel a need for that ‘fatherliness’ he is offering, it is a hang up for many people, but again, even though Sri Mataji admonishes one for not considering the fierce advent of Sri Kalki, but the ‘human form’ will be yours and mine, and the others, so long as they surrender their ego and alow the marriage of kundalini a dn spirit to take place in the heart, with full forgiveness of themselves and everyone else.

    Thereafter there will be no need for self-assertion, their will be no ‘needs’ at all.

    Embleton is playing upon you NEEDS, just like all the other slimy gurus who came before. YES derogatory and foul words, but the truth is in all things.

    And we all have to transcend the words anyway, for just as they can save they can delude.

    And so, as the man said, ‘Forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ Peace be upon HIM, the beloved incarnate.

    No, not you Embleybembly.

    Remember ”…don’t be a humpty-dumpty…hi hi hi.” (Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi)

    What can I say parampujaya kalki devi embley, enjoy your status, and I’m sure it will be of great assistance to us all, just as day cannot exist without night.

    Jai Sri Mataji

    Now…how do I get out of this crash…PEEETAAAR…are you responsable for this ??

    Awaiting the wrath of Sri mr EmblyKalki….

  56. Avdhut Says:

    will he , won’t he, will he, won’t he, …ooohh I’m so doomed :-{{

  57. Avdhut Says:

    Hey Peter

    I never click on the ‘notify my…’ box but the e-mails just keep on coming, that’s teach me !

    Can you stop this clutter for me ? And I promise I’ll get out of your hair…

    got better things to do…as you know.

  58. clark Says:

    Hello Peter,i love you’r blog ,keep up the good work!!
    Advut,,every word you say is true about this embleton character!
    my vibrations are pretty messed up, but even i can tell this right sided ,power oriented,”man” is a wolf in sheeps clothing.Blast him with your ekadesha,he will be exposed for what his true intent is.Peter, i hope your open sunshine continues to light this little corner of the internet for a long time,it is so badly needed,thanks again.JSM

  59. kalkichrist Says:

    I’ll bide time and let you come around when it’s time. You won’t be doomed, but you’re just making a nice drama, like last time… Can I offer you a hammer for the nails? 🙂

  60. kalkichrist Says:

    I’ll bide time and let you come around when it’s your time. You won’t be doomed, but you’re helping to make a nice drama, like last time. Can I offer you a hammer for the nails? 🙂

    • Avdhut Says:

      Oh my gawd, my sides are splitting… your a joke my friend a joke. Better go back on oyur anti-depressants, you’ll be need ing them, your groupies won’t be sufficient to assuage your left-side for long. Next thing we’ll see are all the little emblybemblys running around, gifts to the great father from Hisadoring ‘daughters’. I tell you, how many times have we seen this sort of thing in the history of seeking.

      So long brother, I’m very sorry for all those you’re ‘buttering up’ with your charm and intellect, I bet you speak in deep reverential tones as well…ha…you joker.

      I’ll leave you to nail yourself-up because I buried this body ages ago.

      May they fall about your feet wailing when you announce your final solution…don’t worry, we’ll be there to pick them up after, if they’re up for it, no pressure, no drama or pontification, just person to person, soul to soul, plain truth, no scripture…spirit in the flesh, as we all are.

      take care, I wish you all the best in finding your true self.

      And please confer my love to all those gathering around you who are floundering in emotional despair due to the faults of others.

  61. kalkichrist Says:

    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

    Here are some Quotes by Shri Mataji where She says that “one person” … “takes His birth” … and has 11 Ekadesh Powers that … “will be used by the Kalki…”

    “Now these Ekadesha Rudras come out of, as I told you, from the Void. So we can say that the destruction part of it comes from the Void mainly. But these are the Powers, all given in one person that is the ‘Mahavishnu’, that is the ‘Lord Jesus Christ’, because He is the support of the whole universe. He is the personification of Aumkara; He is the personification of vibrations. So when He gets Angry then the whole universe starts breaking. As He personifies the Power of the Mother which is penetrating into every atom, into every molecule, into every human being, into everything that is living and non-living, once it gets disturbed the whole thing gets into jeopardy. So the pleasing of Christ is very important. Now Christ has said, “You have to be like small children” – that is the innocence. The purity of the heart is the best way you can please Him.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Ekadesha Puja Lecture given in Italy on July 16th 1984.

    “So today I was thinking that we’ll have the puja of Shri Vishnu, Who was the basis of Dharma. So far we have never worshipped anyone Who were the basics, except for Shiva. We only worshipped the Incarnations because They came as Incarnation. Ganesha came as Incarnation. The Goddess came as Incarnations. Rama, Shri Krishna, Gurus, Christ, Buddha, all of them came as Incarnations on this Earth and we worshipped the Incarnations Who came on Earth, specially. But today, as Sahaja Yoga is established, is Dharma, we have to know about Shri Vishnu, Who is the basis of Dharma. Later on, He came on this Earth as Shri Ram, then as Shri Krishna and, ultimately, as Kalki. It is a beautiful evolution of Shri Vishnu.

    So one has to understand what is the basis of Dharma. If you know in the matter there are eight valences. They’re negative, positive and neutral, but in human beings there are ten valences and these ten valences are created by Shri Vishnu within us. They are protected, looked after and nourished by Shri Vishnu and, whenever He finds human beings falling down in their Dharma, He takes His birth on this Earth. Ultimate stage is the Virat.. At that stage, this Vishnu Principle divides into two. One goes to Virat, another to Viratangana. But the third principle is what you call as the Mahavishnu, which incarnated as Lord Jesus Christ. So all these three principles act at this time in Sahasrara, mainly.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – 13. 07. 1994 – Paris, France

    “You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with your friends, and you have to tell them, “You better all get realized.” The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified Himself is going to come back with His Eleven Forces of Destruction. And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here (pointing to the Sahasrara), as I say, in the Seventh Chakra.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – (Holy Mother Immaculate Goddess – Holy Spirit Incarnation) – The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA – Oct. 6, 1981

    “For us, in between Christ and the destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu called Kalki’, there is a ‘Time Given’ for human beings to rectify themselves to enable them to enter the Kingdom of God. The Bible calls this ‘The Last Judgment’ . that you will all be judged on this Earth. The population of the world is maximum, as practically all those who have aspirations to enter into the kingdom of God, have been born in the Modern Times, or are going to be born very soon.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Bombay, India – 28 September, 1979

    “Shri Krishna has become the Virata, the Great Primordial Being, so this is the 11th Power of Destruction. He has the Power called Samhara Shakti by which he kills people. So, before killing them and finishing them off, in the compassion of your Mother, we have to first try to transform them. If they cannot be transformed then it’s alright, then let Ekadasha take over. So these 11 very great destructive Powers will be used by the Kalki, the One Who is going to manifest on a white horse. Before that, today is a very great day that we are going to use these powers for transformation.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – 21.May.84

    Time of arrival of Shri Kalki – Quotes by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – http://christ–my-son–


    Eventually, every Human being who has achieved a sufficient level of meditation in Sahasrara will become the “Christ”, but it takes the primary Incarnation, God Himself as the Son, the original Spirit, to fight down the evil to give everybody the chance to grow beyond the idle level of Self-realization in which all of Sahaja Yoga has been ‘suspended’ for forty years, and He lifts everybody up at the same time.
    You have mentioned you chakras catching at certain questions to Shri Mataji about Me, whether I’m the “one person” Incarnation Who is Shri Kalki. So rather then feel for the Paramchaitanya / All-pervading Powers in the air around you, with the palms of your hands facing upwards. Understand that I need to be recognized if people are to rise up. If Shri Mataji is not recognized, there is no Sahasrara growth, and now the masculine force is the active Divine beside Shri Mataji in all Sahasrara chakras while She hands over to Myself and My wife, Oksana. She is Shri Mahalakshmi. You have a very rude way of referring to My wife and I am the Protector of the Holy Spirit’s Purity and ‘good name’. It’s also something that Shri Mataji would say was disgusting, to say that somebody got ‘hitched up’ and then tear apart the name they have and make some silly jokes out of it while quoting Shri Mataji. It is a serious mess that you live inside of, Avdhut, and you refuse to see beyond it. Whether or not you recognize Me, you are speaking against the active Divine, even though Oksana and I have not yet completed the first stage of the transformation. Shri Mataji is Mahamaya. Enough is described in that alone. She won’t tell people all the little secrets just like that. I’m promoting God’s Incarnation and My meditation is so deep that ‘Richard Embleton’ is a passport identity only, but behind that is the recognition of the Father born to finish the preparation work Shri Mataji has been doing.


    “And the basic thing of Christ’s life is morality. He is on the left side, as you can say he is from Shri Ganesh. And then He establishes Himself at Agnya. But morality is the essence of His life. What we call in Indian language His character. So another quality of Ganesh shown in Christ’s life is a devotion to Mother. In that book Mary is telling them about knowledge, but this Paul objects to it. And She says that this is what you have to achieve. But he doesn’t want to know. He is arguing with Her. But then Thomas said what Christ said on the cross, ‘Behold the Mother. She is the Mother of Christ and how dare you insult Her?’ But just the opposite, Paul never respected women. So he called Her as just a woman, no respect. For Mahalakshmi, no respect! Can you imagine? Just a woman.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Christmas Puja 1991

    “In every Incarnation in the evolution, every Incarnation did something very, very unique. At the end of it Christ did the Resurrection part and He did it because He had to die. Otherwise, how can you Resurrect yourself? So there are lots of things, which look mythical, which are not. Tomorrow they’ll say that Christ never Resurrected Himself.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Christmas Puja 1993

    “Kalki stays on our forehead, and when that chakra of Kalki is caught up, the whole of Moordha, on top, goes out of order, the whole head becomes a blocket. Such people do not allow Kundalini to rise above Hamsa. If you put your head before wrong gurus, or also, if there is too much thinking, both can create a problem. The whole forehead, if it is covered by bumps, then you must know that the Kalki chakra is out of order, and if the Kalki chakra is out of order, then all the fingers start burning, on the hands and on the palms, and sometimes even the body, you get terrible burning. A horrible disease like cancer or leprosy, etc, or he may be about to collapse into some sort of calamity. To keep your Kalki alright, you must have that ‘awe’ for God – that He is a wrathful God, that if we do wrong, He is there with His wrath, that He is All Pervading, He is ‘All Powerful’. He has the Powers to raise us to this stage of higher being. He is the most compassionate Father that we can think of, but in the same way, He has a Wrath, and that Wrath, when it falls on you… be very very careful.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – 1979-09-28 – Shri Kalki Lecture

    “Jesus Christ came to save and liberate the whole of humanity. He was not the personal possession of any particular sect. He himself was Omkara incarnate. He was pranava and the truth. The bodies of the other incarnations were made up of the earth principle, whereas the body of Jesus was made of the soul principle. That is why He was resurrected after death. And it was only through the Resurrection that His disciples could know that He was none other than God Himself.Then they started beating the trumpets, started reciting His name and started delivering lectures on Him. The most important thing is that God incarnated. If the people could recognise Him and secure spiritual development and bliss, this would enlighten the soul and spread happiness and bliss everywhere. May all of you acquire the Yoga of God.”
    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Kundalini Shakti and Shri Jesus Christ – 1979, India. Translated from Marathi

    “We may miss Christ again because He was a carpenter’s son. How are we to know Who is Christ? Is there any way of finding out who is Christ? Many people are now talking, ‘Christ is going to come. He’s going to come on the television.’ You can put up anyone there as Christ. How are we going to make it out? By His dress or by some sort of a thing they have done? Most of the paintings of Christ and most of His statues that I’ve seen are nowhere near Christ, nowhere near Christ. See, they’re horrid things. I don’t know what are they. So how will you make it out that this is Christ or not? Or this is some sort of a hocus pocus fellow or some sort of a person who has come just deliberately to delude us from reality. There is no way out, to find out what is the truth because we are so much used to material forms – for example, our idea of art also is in the same way moulded. If a seed is miraculous, how these flowers, for example, the particular flowers are only on a particular tree and another are on another tree. How does it happen? Who chooses them? Who puts them in proper shape? Who organizes all that? And this is what one has to realise and that is the All-pervading Power of God that does all the living work and once you become that, the Spirit, then this Power starts flowing through. You feel the Power through you. As Christ was touched, and He said some Power has gone to someone, like that. You just become a medium of that Power flowing, but you are empowered to maneuver it, to manage it, to understand it. You know completely about it. You know how to give it.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Public Programme 1982, England

    So one has to understand what is the basis of Dharma. If you know in the matter there are eight valences. They’re negative, positive and neutral, but in human beings there are ten valences and these ten valences are created by Shri Vishnu within us. They are protected, looked after and nourished by Shri Vishnu and, whenever He finds human beings falling down in their Dharma, He takes His birth on this Earth. Ultimate stage is the Virat.. At that stage, this Vishnu Principle divides into two. One goes to Virat, another to Viratangana. But the third principle is what you call as the Mahavishnu, which Incarnated as Lord Jesus Christ. So all these three principles act at this time in Sahasrara, mainly.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – 13. 07. 1994 – Paris, France.

    “Be careful about your Agnya chakra. Because that is one of the worst things; once it starts getting combined with these Ekadeshas, anything can happen to such a person who has got the right Agnya and also one of the Ekadeshas, right or left. That means, the five of these, any one of the five; if they combine with Agnya chakra the powers of God are minimum. So keep your Agnya chakra alright, – say, now I am speaking, you should watch me continuously, so that there is thoughtless awareness and the Agnya is soothed down. Don’t pay attention here and there all the time. Then you will find that, gradually, all your attention will neutralise into thoughtless awareness. And your attention would be fixed in such a manner that you don’t have to worry about anything. Now these Ekadesha Rudras come out of, as I told you, from the Void. So we can say that the destruction part of it comes from the Void mainly. But these are the powers, all given in one person that is the ‘Mahavishnu’, that is the ‘Lord Jesus Christ’, because He is the Support of the whole universe. He is the personification of Aumkara; He is the personification of vibrations. So when He gets Angry then the whole universe starts breaking. As He personifies the Power of the Mother which is penetrating into every atom, into every molecule, into every human being, into everything that is living and non-living, once it gets disturbed the whole thing gets into jeopardy. So the pleasing of Christ is very important. Now Christ has said, “You have to be like small children” – that is the innocence. The purity of the heart is the best way you can please Him.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Ekadesha Puja – Italy on July 16th 1984.

    Please have some basic respect.

    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

    • Avdhut Says:

      I just can’t resist replying to your stupidity, it’s so much fun.

      Nowhere does Sri Mataji refer to you as ‘the one’, she talks of Maha Visnu, all the deities are incarnations of Sri Visnu, and they’re all contained within us.

      Sri Mataji ( The Holy Mother / not the person we know as Sri Mataji, but the residual essence of the Adi Shakti ) unites with the Atman, deificaly/archetypicaly represented by Lord Siva, the combined effect of which is situated in the centre of the fully awakened Sahasrara. There is no place there ‘beside Sri Mataji’ as you say, at that point the power of kundalini and atman (masculine and feminine / active and passive have merged and the individual person manifests the Mother and Father in their personality, whether man or woman, as a consequence of a brave compassionate heart balanced by discretion, discretion being the fundamental basis of dharmic behaviour in society, thereby creating heaven on earth, gently. The forces represented to us by the archetype of Sri Kalki on the white horse, swift and ruthless, act of their own accord, through us, by virtue of our innocence, the innocence that comes with NOT THINKING.

      We may be aware of it happening, but we do not think we are doing anything.

      This may all be a little much for your accolytes to grasp, but they don’t need to, all they need to do is clear their left sides using the rituals prescribed by Sri Mataji, at her lotus feet. It’s you I’m talking to.

      We are all our own best friend or our own worst enemy, even you.

      What kind of anti-depressants were/are you on anyway ?

  62. persianyogi Says:

    When you have that awe for God, and know that He is All Pervading, All Powerful, that He has the Powers to raise us to
    this state of higher being and also He has Powers to bestow all the Blessings that He has. He is the most Compassionate
    God or we can say, the most Compassionate Father that one can think of. But in the same way [as a father], He has a
    Wrath, and if that Wrath falls upon you, nobody can slip from under it. Nobody can stop it, and the Compassion of the
    Mother will not be listened to because He may say that “you have spoiled your children by giving them too much
    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Bombay, India – 28 September, 1979

  63. clark Says:

    Thank you Peter for directing me to the 2008 guru puja lecture, I found it on the shri adi shakti web site,,absolutely mind blowing!! I’m not sure which part you were referring to as the part i should pay attention to, but i do know people will come to sahaja yoga because of me/ us, and not because of mother , mostly,,because she is beyond them,, and that is exactly the reason i’m a “closeted” yogi. Because at this point i’m by myself,and when in rome,,,,,,.. so i would NEVER want to bring a bad name to sahaja yoga or mother. I do have my catches, but they are not my true self. But every day at work,i’m bhandaning people, in secret,and to see the change in some people is so reaffirming. Its not just my perception that has changed, but a few who actually hated me for weeks, or months, for whatever reason, changed over night,in fact the entire atmosphere has changed in many ways, at work because of mothers quiet work. And if any one wanted to have a conversation about”God” or their seeking, i would tell them about the websites,and meditate with them if need be. And if you’re referring to mother mentioning that some yogis can start their own organizations etc..thats fine,,but the vibrations i get from embleton are not i hope your not defending his ambitions. ( And yes richard, you are divine in the sense of your atma, just not ready to be anyones savior yet)I know we should not judge others, but i judge myself also. The difference is,,I’M WILLING TO ADMIT I’M NOT READY to be that at this point in my evolution. I need to learn to be my own guru first. But thanks again Peter, for directing me to that puja for thought about our future. God bless, JSM!

    • Peter Says:

      Do not underestimate yourself. You are chosen from The Divine Mother to come in Sahaja yoga.

      You have powers.

      • Avdhut Says:

        I was thinking along the same lines last night.

        The English language is a funny thing because a lot depends upon context. If one says ‘you have powers’ it could easily be misconstrued as an ego thing, so perhaps we need to be more creative, as poets, to express what we mean. It should be easy and is just an expression of our appreciation for the other person. If it is truly from the heart it will have ‘the ring’ of truth, the feel that comes with purity of intent. We know what Peter means, to an extent, because of his work here displaying so many beautiful, and very pertinent things to our ascent, the things themselves hold vibrations and he has chosen them accordingly.

        The truth comes thoughtlessly through our love, and in how we express that. We should not be afraid !!!

        Hey Clark, you say your vibrations are so terrible, but to me your words are crystal clear and pure in their intent, so more likely it is the case that you have such a big heart and are so surrendered to the truth, that you feel all the impurties of the world very easily.

        Don’t worry about the past. Often sensitive people like us gave freely out of innocence and were hurt. Now is a crucial time when we have to go beyond the ego that makes us FEEL hurt, to be our own masters. No one can do it for us, but Sri MAtaji has given us the tools and the inspiration, in Her infinite patience and Wisdom (JSM)

        When you forgive yourself and others the love can come through and everyone will see you shining. All you need will be felt in your heart and you will want nothing more than the ability to give. The test is to go beyond the things that frustrate our attempts to do so.

        with Love, always.
        your brother

  64. shrimatajisahajayogalectures Says:

    Jai Shri Mataji!
    Here are some nice llectures:

    “It is very difficult to speak even for me. To see so many Sahaja Yogis sitting here, with such shining faces, from all over the world, as if my vision has taken its form today. I see in you, the saviours of tomorrow, who are going to save this world, from all the Kali Yuga calamities, that are surrounding us. It is coming from all sides. While you people have really taken your second birth, from this pond of Kali Yuga and you have really become beautiful lotuses, of different colours, hues, fragrance and beauty. Instead of you celebrating my Birthday it is better I celebrate your birthdays.
    As I told you the other day, that it’s you, who are such great seekers. Seekers of truth, of love, that it could work out, otherwise it would have been impossible. To transform even one person is very difficult. But you were so sensitive, so deep that this subtle knowledge, I do not know how it penetrated your being. It is unbelievable, I can’t believe myself what great people have taken birth in this Kali Yuga. No one can believe that so many saints, Nabis, Walis are sitting before Me. In the history of spirituality it has never happened. Even in the heavens, there are few Devas and Devatas, not so many. One better than the other, such beautiful hearts, such brilliant brains and such active attention, really. I thank you all, that this 7Oth birthday, I could see so many people which I never expected.”
    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Beginning of Satya Yuga – Birthday Puja – 21-03-1993
    Bithday Puja Lectures –

    Jai Shri Mataji!
    With Nirmal love

  65. clark Says:

    thanks guys for your encouraging and wise words, what a blessing. my first contact with yogis in 15 years. so this is great. JSM!!!

  66. lprasad Says:

    I love you all my dear brothers & sisters.
    jai shree mataji………..!!!

  67. Suksma Says:

    “And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.”

    Any son could say these words in order to shield his mother.

    But the SON OF MAN is not allone and HE has many friends in these days!!!

    SO, TODAY I am telling you that whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, he or she blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost and this will be NOT be forgiven until she or he comes humblehearted and will ask HIM for forgivness.


    Suksma Tamohara

    • Avdhut Says:

      We are all the sons and daughters of ‘man’, those who choose are the ‘chosen’ …everything we need is inside, be your own master and be one with God, Mother has already given us all the tools we need.

      As the prophet Blake said so long ago, ‘ The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.’

      Luckily for Embly, ‘The road to the palace of wisdom is paved with mis-deeds’ (W.Blake), so there’s hope for him yet.

      Anybody got any got any scientific references for narcissism ?!

      Even narcissism may be a usefull device, but only for those who know it’s all just a play.

      The greatest Yogis’ are those who enjoy the most (JSM)


      >Anybody who tries to show off, if you run after that person, that means you have not fathomed your own depth. You must know what is your depth. And don’t get impressed by somebody because he can dominate you very well and he can go about. Just stand on your own two legs and see for yourself.
      (extract from a talk to the Australians on India Tour, 1988-1217)… You don’t have to worry. It comes to culmination and a person goes out; as if somebody runs up like a blind fellow on a cliff and jumps, jumps down. You don’t have to worry too much about this. It just works. You have seen it has worked that way.<
      H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, extract from Navaratri Puja, Margate, England, 1989

      • Avdhut Says:

        Narcissistic personality disorder

        Main article: Narcissistic personality disorder
        ”Although most individuals have some narcissistic traits, high levels of narcissism can manifest themselves as a pathological form as narcissistic personality disorder, whereby the patient overestimates his or her abilities and has an excessive need for admiration and affirmation.”

        Campbell and Foster (2007) [9] review the literature on narcissism. They argue that narcissists possess the following ‘basic ingredients’:

        Positive. Narcissists think they are better than others. [10]

        Inflated. Narcissists’ views tend to be contrary to reality. In measure which compare self-report to objective measures, narcissists self-views tend to be greatly exaggerated. [11]

        Agentic. Narcissists’ views tend to be most exaggerated in the agentic domain, relative to the communion domain. [10][11]

        Special. Narcissists perceive themselves to be unique and special people[12].

        Selfish. Research upon narcissists’ behaviour in resource dilemmas supports the case for narcissists as being selfish[13].

        Oriented toward success. Narcissists are oriented towards success by being, for example, approach oriented [14]

        Also, narcissists tend to demonstrate a lack of interest in warm and caring interpersonal relationships. Campbell and Forster (2007)[9] also talk of several ongoing controversies within narcissism literature, namely whether narcissism is healthy or unhealthy, a personality disorder, a discrete or continuous variable, defensive or offensive, the same across genders, the same across cultures, and changeable or unchangeable.

        Campbell and Foster (2007) argue that self-regulatory strategies are of paramount importance to understanding narcissism.[9].

        Self-regulation in narcissists involves such things as striving to make one’s self look, feel positive, special, successful and important. It comes in both intra-psychic, such a blaming a situation rather than self for failure, and interpersonal forms, such as using a relationship to serve one’s own self.

        Some differences in self-regulation between narcissists and non-narcissists can be seen with Campbell, Reeder, Sedikides & Elliot (2000) [15] who conducted a study in which two experiments were conducted.
        In both experiments, participants took part an achievement task following which they were provided with false feedback; it was either bogus success or failure. It was found that both narcissists and non-narcissists self-enhanced but non-narcissists showed more flexibility in doing so.
        Participants were measured on both a comparative and a non-comparative self-enhancement strategy. It was found that both narcissists and non-narcissists employed the non-comparative strategy similarly.
        However, narcissists were found to be more self-serving with the comparative strategy, employing it far more, than non-narcissists, suggesting a greater rigidity with their self-enhancement. When narcissists receive negative feedback which threatens the self, they will self-enhance at all costs ***whereas non-narcissists tend to have limits.***

        nar⋅cis⋅sism  /ˈnɑrsəˌsɪzɛm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [nahr-suh-siz-em] Show IPA
        –noun 1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.

        Healthy people “use” others to confirm their sense of distinctiveness – but they do not over-dose or over-do it. Feeling unique is to the average bloke of secondary importance. He derives the bulk of his sense of identity from his well-developed, differentiated Ego. The clear-cut boundaries of his Ego and his thorough acquaintance with a beloved figure – his self – are enough.

        Only people whose Ego is underdeveloped, immature, and relatively undifferentiated, need ever larger quantities of external Ego boundary setting, of affirmation through reflection. To such people, there is no distinction between significant and less meaningful others. Everyone carries the same weight and fulfils the same functions: reflection, affirmation, recognition, adulation, or attention. This is why, to them, everyone is interchangeable and dispensable.

        The narcissist employs the following mechanisms in his relationships (say, in a marriage):

        He “merges” with his spouse/mate and contains him/her as a representation of the outside world.
        He exerts absolute dominion over the spouse (again in her symbolic capacity as The World).
        These two mechanisms substitute for the healthier forms of relationship, where the two members of the couple maintain their distinctiveness, while, at the same time, creating a new “being of togetherness”.

        To ensure a constant flow of Narcissistic Supply, the narcissist seeks to “replicate” his projected self. He becomes addicted to publicity, fame, and celebrity. Merely observing his “replicated self” – on billboards, TV screens, book covers, newspapers – sustains the narcissist’s feelings of omnipotence and omnipresence, akin to the ones that he experienced in his early childhood. The “replicated self” provides the narcissist with an “existential substitute”, proof that he exists – functions normally carried out by a healthy, well-developed Ego through its interactions with the outside world (the “reality principle”).
        In extreme cases of deprivation, when Narcissistic Supply is nowhere to be found, the narcissist decompensates and disintegrates, even up to having psychotic micro-episodes (common, for instance, in psychotherapy). The narcissist also forms or participates in hermetic or exclusive, cult-like, social circles, whose members share his delusions (Pathological Narcissistic Space). The function of these acolytes is to serve as a psychological entourage and to provide “objective” proof of the narcissist’s self-importance and grandeur.
        When these devices fail, it leads to an all-pervasive feeling of annulment and detachment. (

    • Avdhut Says:

      The ‘chosen’ are those who choose. Choose your SELF, it’s in your heart, beyond emotion, you’ll feel it in surrender to Sri Mataji, deep in meditaion at Her lotus feet only.

    • Avdhut Says:

      The ‘chosen’ are those who choose. Choose your SELF, it’s in your heart, beyond emotion, you’ll feel it in surrender to Sri Mataji, deep in meditaion at Her lotus feet only.

  68. Avdhut Says:

    The bigest hangup we all have is the ego, it manifests and perpetuates our fears and insecurities.

    Ultimately it is a MYTH. Real in as much as myths and illusions are real, but when the brain is surrendered to the love that manifests from the ‘marriage’ of kundalini with atman, ie: pure love, ego is subsumed into the void and becomes part of the creative expression of the divine. Just as children express themselves without harbouring any conclusive judgements, it’s all just part of the play. One who is master of themself knows this, and one who is a Sahaja Yogi will have their ultimate aim as being the establishment of others as their own master, in the way that a parent raises a child on the ’straight and narrow’. A child will only adhere to the parents’ teaching if it KNOWS it is done out of loving concern. Love defeats the fear that causes the ego to manifest. A child will also easily detect, unconciously, when their is fear and ego in the adult, and so also take on those aspects in it’s behaviour.

    What is interesting about Freud’s representaion of the ego in all it’s forms is the idea of the iceberg, where the majority, the unconcious, is hidden from view. Sahaja Yoga, ( the state of being and the phenomena that it is, as opposed to the attempts by groups and individuals to organise themselves in a way that sustains that phenomena) makes us concious of the unconcious. How we react to those revelations determines wether we perpetuate ego or simply surrender to the divine
    ( which is in our hearts ) in awe and fascination of the miracle of life, like little children, thus thoughtlessly and spontaneously perpetuating ourselves as twice-born (Dwija-beyond ego ).

    Our dear and blessed Guru, Her Holiness Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi, has re-presented us with the correct archetypes to allow us to have kundalini awakening and navigate throught the collective unconcious by focussing on the appropriate archetypes, according to long established, and revised, scientific tradition. In that, she has answered the questions posed by Carl Jung, Freud’s nemesis. Freud could not see beyond his own lust to what is pure, insecure and bhooted-up man that he was.

    In so far as the archetype of Sri Kalki goes, it represents the kulmination of all the archtypes that correspond to the working of the autonomous nervous system, the internal mechanism of our being that relates to the singular truth of our existence within the inherent duality of all things made manifest.

    The crucial point here is it manifests at the juncture of the physical and the ethereal, therefore it is both in us and outside of us at the same time. ( Socrates related to this more eloquently and it would be worth looking for his discourses relating to the gods, the heavens, and us.)

    At that point we are already connected to everything, any conciousness otherwise, of difference, of the ‘other’, immediately breaks the connection. Paradoxically, and this is where most people stumble, one has to be a complete individual within oneself, totally unreliant upon external things for one’s concious existence. In that sate one is only concious of joy and bliss. Thereafter, whatsoever one does it will perpetuate the conditions conducive to others obtaining the same, BY THEIR OWN MERIT.

    This is what Sri Mataji has given us all already. It’s only our minds which get in the way of us ‘REALISING’ (as in …making it a reality ).

    When there we manifest the innocent love of children and are guided by the wisdom accumulated through many life-times, including this one, through our ‘gut-feelings’, instictively = without thought.

    We amy stumble and fall, but when we are there no’one is first and no’one is last.

    Let’s get there together.

    By the Grace of our Holy Mother, divine wisdom incarnate.

    Thank you Mother for your Love. JAI SRI MATAJI !!!


    • Avdhut Says:

      Heart is the pivotal point, where all our attention should be in these times of confusion. Not only saying ‘I love you’, which for most people enhances their dependence on ‘the other’, but BEING love. In the true sense of the word.

      Victory to all Sahaj brothers and sisters.

  69. Avdhut Says:

    ‘Christ’ oriented people have so much Agnya ?!

    It’s so good to enjoy each other’s innocence, so lovingly gentle, peaceful, and rewarding.

  70. kalkichrist Says:

    Jai shri Mataji!!!

    Now it makes sense, why Avdhut is this way inclined. He finds Freud interesting!!!

    “We always take to thing, which is detrimental to our growth, and also which may destroy us, not only us but the whole country. We like people who are destructive, when there is no discretion. Discretion means that you must choose the things which are good for you, which are benevolent to you, which are good for the collective, which are good for your ascent. On the contrary, the people who have no discretion fall into the traps of wrong type of people like, say, Freud. I mean to an Indian – Freud, nobody can believe that you can go into such an nonsensical idea. But people accept it – Freud – more than they could accept Christ. Because the discretion was completely missed. If they had that traditional discretion in them, they would have been saved.”
    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Hamsa Puja -July 10th 1989 Germany

    “The argument is always put forward that if you inhibit your desires, a phenomenon of conditioning (superego) takes place. But one must realize, as explained, that if you indulge into your desires too much, your ego gets conditioned too. The unfortunate part is that the awareness of ego conditioning is not evident. In such cases ego becomes colossal and the subject and psychologist are not aware of it till the ego behaves like a despot or psychopath. The harm caused by ego conditioning is much greater than superego conditioning, commonly known as subconscious suppression.”
    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – The Mooladhara Chakra

    • Avdhut Says:

      Mr. Embleton…dude…you’re not so much cabbage like as cabbage looking…

      didn’t you read all of that letter ? I actually said freud was a sick bhooted up person who couldn’t see beyond his own lust…

      but even given that, by the grace of God, there is some good in all things (Tao ), as any great Guru/incarnation such as yourself should know, and through the spirit of inquiry, no doubt under the inspired guidance of C. Jung, his erstwhile partner, a paradigm depicting the ego was developed that alluded to something regarding the nature of ego, purely by accident and unrelated to what he was actually trying to describe. Such are the mysterious and playful ways of the divine.

      …that ‘accident’ being the depiction of ego floating in the sea of illusion from whence it came, and to where it will once again go, thus transforming that sea into the ocean of compassion.

      As for Freud, horrible though he was, and always will be, one must forgive him for, despite his best attempts at destroying everyone’s innocence, he didn’t entirely know what he was doing, and God used even him as an instrument, without him, or you, knowing it.

      Innocence is never lost my friend, thus there’s hope even for fools like you, and me, and the other )

      Get a grip, those quotations are killing you.


  71. Avdhut Says:

    Hey Peter

    Here’s an interesting excerpt from William Blake’s depiction of the life of Job.

    It depicts Job in despair wracked in fear and uncertainty, why after adhering so strictly to the religious text he still suffered so much hardship.

    At first the apparition over him appeared as satan, and then, as he eventually surredered all his ‘knowingness’ , the apparition turned into God. The serpent was there around both apparitions to represent the power of Mahamaya, the one inside us who gives the spirit/atman in us the power of choice, choice to surrender to God, the omnipresent omnipotent omniscience that is in everything (including man, but only as a reflection/Atman) made manifest, but of nothing ( read: Vivekachudamani/The Crest Jewel of Discrimination, By Sri Adi Shankaracharya )

    Note: all the while leading up to his realisation the things that mattered most were in the tree behind him… i

    and after giving up his austerity, when he finally enjoys God’s blessings knowing that all is, and always has been taken care of…and that there is nothing left to do but enjoy, like Sahaja Yogis

    And for those who enjoy quoting scripture…

    ”At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.” (John xiv: 28).

    Seeing as they are supposed to be the words of Christ, it would suggest that we are already one with the Father…without a doubt, the proof is in the pudding 🙂



  72. Avdhut Says:

    …the second link is for plate #1. Scroll down to find all the plates.

    Great stuff, enjoy.


  73. kalkichrist Says:

    “On our fingertips, we can feel our own centres and the centres of others, as shown in the figure. If we know how to cure your own centres through your self-knowledge, we can also cure the centres of others. Automatically our human awareness achieves collective consciousness by which we know about the chakras of others. Now we speak the language of chakras and understand others and their problems by the chakras.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

    Okay, so anybody reading this can use their more sensitive left hand fingers to feel for a spiritual representation of Shri Kalki, maybe a two foot tall ‘Being’. Ask Shri Mataji to let you feel the spiritual form of Shri Kalki, with those words. Then you can feel above His head for the Sahasrara fully opened, and the countless universes spinning around His body. Hold both your hands facing each other and choose to have the spiritual representation of Shri Kalki as a little two inch (5 centimeter) ‘Being’, and see if your arms can stretch wide enough to feel the edge, the end of the Power radiating from Him.
    Now, without mentally getting involved with the process, ask Shri Mataji to show you Richard Embleton in the same manner.

    Given in a Sahasrara Message in November 2009, from Shri Mataji to the Incarnation of Nandi Dharmadevata (a man living in India) in the Kalki Collective (about 200 people), here are the
    ‘108 Names Of The Kalki – Shri Richard Embleton’ (Available in five languages – English, Russian, Marathi, Hindi and Persian)
    With extra information and documents at the end – http://christ–my-son–

    Enjoy the vibrations and Happy Shivaratri !!!

    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

    With all Our Love, Support and Protection
    Richard and Oksana Embleton – Shri Kalki Christ and Shri Mahalakshmi – Father and Mother of Humanity already as active Powers in all open Sahasrara chakras of Humanity, and positioned beside Shri Mataji, Our Holy Mother of all Mothers, and rising towards the completion of the transformation process when the “Kalki Incarnation” will take place (Revelation 12:1-5 and Revelation 19:7,8).
    (In 1970 the “Shri Mataji Incarnation” took place, and soon the “Shri Kalki Incarnation” will take place.)

    • Avdhut Says:

      Ho Hum…tiddley pum…everytime I see this I tend to have an involuntary groan, and then an involuntary but most belly-full laugh…

      I hope he didn’t take me seriously when I called him a ‘great incarnation’, you never know with people like this. Be prepared to meet many more. Better toughen up the children in preparation, don’t want them coming under this lunatic.

      I hear in Russia they’re already worshipping Sir CP and daughters as ‘the divine family’ ?! Craaaazzzy maaaan…woohoo

      • Avdhut Says:

        200 in India… there’s probably 200,000 following ‘fuzzy-wuzzy baba’, so what’s in a number,

        Innocent people are easily led.

  74. Avdhut Says:

    Fantastic !!…I didn’t know that, wah, wah…

    What gifts of God such inspirations ( that which comes on the in-breath ? ) are.

    Thank you for sharing so much.


    • Avdhut Says:

      please not: above comment was not an approval of Mr. Emblechrist but a reply to regards from Peter.

      Anyone can do what Mr. Bembly is doing, and get LOADS of followers…there’s one born every couple of seconds.


  75. Avdhut Says:

    you’re not so much cabbage like as cabbage looking…

    didn’t you read all of that letter ? I actually said freud was a sick bhooted up person who couldn’t see beyond his own lust…

    but even given that, by the grace of God, there is some good in all things (Tao ), as any great Guru/incarnation such as yourself should know, and through the spirit of inquiry, no doubt under the inspired guidance of C. Jung, his erstwhile partner, a paradigm depicting the ego was developed that alluded to something regarding the nature of ego, purely by accident and unrelated to what he was actually trying to describe. Such are the mysterious and playful ways of the divine.

    …that ‘accident’ being the depiction of ego floating in the sea of illusion from whence it came, and to where it will once again go, thus transforming that sea into the ocean of compassion.

    As for Freud, horrible though he was, and always will be, one must forgive him for, despite his best attempts at destroying everyone’s innocence, he didn’t entirely know what he was doing, and God used even him as an instrument, without him, or you, knowing it.

    Innocence is never lost my friend, thus there’s hope even for fools like you, and me, and the other :-))

    Get a grip, those quotations are killing you.


  76. clark Says:

    Hi PETER,
    i am interested in hearing what you think about the author of the Shri Adi Shakti web site,about his alleged treatment from senior sahaja yogis,and do you know if they have changed their position regarding his childrens “visions”.thanks.

    • Peter Says:

      Dear Clark,

      This site iс very well versed and you can find a lot of info there. I would like to see more sites like this one. The children of New Millennium are coming, let’s give them a chance and support.

  77. Avdhut Says:

    Just picked up your mail Clark, don’t know what the position is but generally ‘seniors’ are pretty coy about commenting on anything…probably saving their energy to give realisation rather deal with beligerence…. :-0

    Perhaps Peter knows something else

  78. clark Says:

    hi avdhut,so i take it that by your use of the word beligerence,
    that you think its all bogus?
    thanks for the reply.

    • Avdhut Says:

      Well no, but visions and so can also perpetuate ego, as with Mr. Embleton’s ‘powers’, many a rakshasaa has had them but they don’t necessarily lead to peace do they.

      That fellow in Canada is nice enough, and simmered down considerably since his early tirades against the ‘ignorant’. bt is can get hard for people who are only concerned with spreading the peace and love we have found.

      Visions etc are simply not necessary for most people, it’s simply about enjoying the present in Saharara and commenting on the nature of things in a detached way.

      One is never attached to the outcome if one is truly complete. It’s all just a drama.

      Get my drift ?

      Peace out.

  79. clark Says:

    hello Avdhut,
    i take it that by the use of the word”beligerent” in this case,
    you feel it’s all bogus,as do the leaders?
    thanks for the reply.

  80. clark Says:

    sorry bout the double post

    • Avdhut Says:

      About sums it up really doesn’t it, in an antiquated kind of way, but yes…when you are one with God ( as we all are, even if we don’t realise it, in the same way that potential energy amounts to zero unless it is used) where is the man and where is God. Where is the good and where is the evil for that matter, everything just IS when in thoughtless awareness, and one is protected because one can never die, as one is the spirit only. This is the realisation and the experience one has as a Sahaj yogi. There’s no need for anything else, one enjoys the senses but has no attachment to them.

      The vibrations Embleton keeps going on about are, as Sri Mataji has said, just the beginning, they are definitive as to the truth, but the truth encompasses both ‘good’ and ‘evil’, as neither exists but that God/the cosmos/the absolute incomprehensable truth allows it to. Both good and evil are true in that they are there for our evolution. For someone who is ‘connected’ via Sahasrara this becomes even more the case, thus, ‘be careful what you wish for.’

      Even Rakshasaas have been ‘great realised souls’.

      Embleton, to use the example we have at hand, isn’t quite there yet, but he’s certainly operating on the level of self-deception, therefore is the proverbial ‘loose cannon.’

      Remember, we all have that potential within us too.

      Embleton is a good example; he has an overbearing desire to be the great saviour and will stop at nothing to establish that image in the mind-set of a lot of people, under the guise of being ‘beside Sri Mataji in Sahasrara’, which we all know is a ridiculous statement to make, even going on Mother’s own words. This is what makes me a little bit hostile to the guy. But then I realise he’s doesn’t really know what he’s doing and so he’s just there to test us.

      He’s also a blessing in disguise as the more of his kind
      (the ‘thou shalt not Christian types ) go with him the less we’ll have them around us, until they come throwing stones as is the usual case with people who can’t handle rejection.

      In a way he’s already jumped off the cliff, and there are a lot who will be willing to follow him for the sake of ‘making a statement’ and thus assuaging the demands of their ego and their feelings of inadequacy, probably stemming from ancestoral catches. It’s just sad really, but that’s the catch, get hooked up on the sympathy and you’re in for a mind bender. Most of the people who are following him will be psychotic.

      ‘God’ will take care of them.

      Sri Mataji has known all along she is just playing a game, albeit a very serious one; if mankind is to manifest it’s full potential and reveal Heaven on earth one has to drop a lot of foolish idleness and get on with making the right choices, regardless of others, ala Ghandiji’s admonishment, ‘ Be that which you would like the world to be !’.

      Sri Mataji has given us that grace, thanks be to Her.

      What Embelton doesn’t realise is Sri Mataji’s words pertain to the absolute, meaning they pertain to all of us who are ‘working it out’, we are all what she is describing, those of us who know ourselves at least. That’s why it’s easy for us to ignore the man, until he intrudes in your inbox. Then it’s just a distraction and all you can do is forgive anyway.

      Oh what a ‘Divine Comedy’, good examples of the ‘loony fringe’ for our children to learn what and how to avoid it.

      Thanks be to God.
      with love and respect

  81. clark Says:

    I recently came across a book titled(Beginners guide to revelation) a jungian interpretation.I thought it was interesting.
    here is a bit on JOB.
    “Like any wise man confronted by some physically superior and unreasoning brute, Job capitulates.He propitiates GOD and eventually calms him down.Yet things will never be the same again for either GOD or man. BY calling one part of God to judge another-even though he received no justice-Job has awakened a new thought into the godhead.By revealing his true nature to Job, God has also awakened to a view of himself that he had never tolerated before.Before Job,mankinds position vis-a-vis God was merely like the angels- to endlessly praise and obey. Now mankind has had the effrontery to judge God,to condemn God, to appeal to Gods justice against Gods injustice.God has been forced to reveal his multiple nature merely to quiet this disquieting little creature.In short, we have revealed ourselves to be-at least in part-Gods moral superior.God is forced to acknowledge that we(in our limitation but concious unity)can see things thatGod himself( in His omniscience but unconcious multiplicity) cannot.It then becomes inevitable that God will be forced to accept limitation and definition and become human- in the person of Christ- in order to further develop.Once divinity descends into mankind,it is inevitable that our development will henceforth change God.” i thought this was an interesting view,how bout you? peace….

    • Avdhut Says:

      Yes, those double posts…you are welcome, it excuses me doesn’t it…ah, technology…what would we do without it 😉

      Avdhut Says:
      February 13, 2010 at 8:27 pm
      About sums it up really doesn’t it, in an antiquated kind of way, but yes…when you are one with God ( as we all are, even if we don’t realise it, in the same way that potential energy amounts to zero unless it is used) where is the man and where is God. Where is the good and where is the evil for that matter, everything just IS when in thoughtless awareness, and one is protected because one can never die, as one is the spirit only. This is the realisation and the experience one has as a Sahaj yogi. There’s no need for anything else, one enjoys the senses but has no attachment to them.

      The vibrations Embleton keeps going on about are, as Sri Mataji has said, just the beginning, they are definitive as to the truth, but the truth encompasses both ‘good’ and ‘evil’, as neither exists but that God/the cosmos/the absolute incomprehensable truth allows it to. Both good and evil are true in that they are there for our evolution. For someone who is ‘connected’ via Sahasrara this becomes even more the case, thus, ‘be careful what you wish for.’

      Even Rakshasaas have been ‘great realised souls’.

      Embleton, to use the example we have at hand, isn’t quite there yet, but he’s certainly operating on the level of self-deception, therefore is the proverbial ‘loose cannon.’

      Remember, we all have that potential within us too.

      Embleton is a good example; he has an overbearing desire to be the great saviour and will stop at nothing to establish that image in the mind-set of a lot of people, under the guise of being ‘beside Sri Mataji in Sahasrara’, which we all know is a ridiculous statement to make, even going on Mother’s own words. This is what makes me a little bit hostile to the guy. But then I realise he’s doesn’t really know what he’s doing and so he’s just there to test us.

      He’s also a blessing in disguise as the more of his kind
      (the ‘thou shalt not Christian types ) go with him the less we’ll have them around us, until they come throwing stones as is the usual case with people who can’t handle rejection.

      In a way he’s already jumped off the cliff, and there are a lot who will be willing to follow him for the sake of ‘making a statement’ and thus assuaging the demands of their ego and their feelings of inadequacy, probably stemming from ancestoral catches. It’s just sad really, but that’s the catch, get hooked up on the sympathy and you’re in for a mind bender. Most of the people who are following him will be psychotic.

      ‘God’/ the cosmos / absolute truth / hickory dick / Peter Pan will take care of them.

      Sri Mataji has known all along she is just playing a game, albeit a very serious one; if mankind is to manifest it’s full potential and reveal Heaven on earth one has to drop a lot of foolish idleness and get on with making the right choices, regardless of others, ala Ghandiji’s admonishment, ‘ Be that which you would like the world to be !’.

      Sri Mataji has given us that ability and grace, thanks be to Her.

      What Embelton doesn’t realise is Sri Mataji’s words pertain to the absolute, meaning they pertain to all of us who are ‘working it out’, we are all what she is describing, those of us who know ourselves at least. That’s why it’s easy for us to ignore the man, until he intrudes in your inbox. Then it’s just a distraction and all you can do is forgive anyway.

      Oh what a ‘Divine Comedy’, good examples of the ‘loony fringe’ for our children to learn what and how to avoid it.

      Thanks be to God.
      with love and respect

  82. persianyogi Says:

    Dear sister and Brother

    Jai Shri Mataji

    Once again for whomever read these posts just trust your vibration about Richard.

    And you Avdhut we heard enough of your mental Ideas about incarnations and about Richard. Let the vibrations do the job. By the way don’t try to reply this comment because every time you do you hurt your subtle body.

    Jai Shri Mataji.

    • Avdhut Says:

      I am trusting in my vibrations about him…you can be sure of that !

      Mental concepts are a great thing when enlightened by pure attention 🙂

      by the Grace of our Holy Mother.


      The Garden of Love

      I went to the Garden of Love,
      And saw what I never had seen:
      A Chapel was built in the midst,
      Where I used to play on the green.

      And the gates of this Chapel were shut,
      And `Thou shalt not’ writ over the door;
      So I turn’d to the Garden of Love,
      That so many sweet flowers bore,

      And I saw it was filled with graves,
      And tomb-stones where flowers should be:
      And Priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
      And binding with briars my joys and desires.

      William Blake (1757-1827)

  83. lordkartikeya Says:

    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

    Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
    My name is Barry and I come from the land of the Mooladhara.

    I have been reading this blog with some interest, as to see what other Sahaja Yogis are doing, and strangely enough I have found one thing in common besides their interest in Sahaja Yoga and the teachings of Shri Mataji!! is that most everybody firstly disrespects Shri Mataji by shortening her Name and just leave JSM on the bottom or at the beginning, I personally find that this is very disrespectful to Our Loving Mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who is the Holy Spirit, Adi Shakti. I also don’t see the Loving and non judgmental people that Our Dearest Mother says that ALL Sahaja Yogis are supposed to be. In point of fact one member here Avdhut shows nothing but idle words that come from the mind not from the spirit, as it should. It is a shame that You all can’t seem to grasp that, before Shri Kalki along with His Four Horsemen to Lead Gods Army to the victory over the evil concepts of the mind, that has created all the doom and destruction of Our beloved Earth and keep All our fellow Brothers and Sisters in suffering. They have to be born Humans and rise above Humanity to be able to do their job and clean up the great illusion that people have created. I don’t know were some of My fellow Brothers and Sisters think Shri Kalki is going to come from. You see Jesus was a Human too or have You forgotten that fact, and that All the Deities were and still are Humans just like Shri Mataji, Yourself and Myself. Shri Mataji tells us how to tell if the information is true or not, by feeling for the vibrations, but You cannot feel these vibrations if mind is in control. You see time is running out before Shri Kalki and His 4 Horsemen start using their Power to bring All of Humanity back to being at one with God Almighty. Shri Mataji has shown Me conclusively that Richard Embleton is Shri Kalki and that nothing will stop the Divine process from happening.

    Avdhut ~~~~ how does one be a truly devoted Sahaja Yogi by going around calling other Brothers and Sisters names, I don’t think that that is in the Sahaja Yoga handbook, nor does Shri Mataji condone it!!! Our Beloved Shri Mataji has also told All about sending negative vibrations to Shri Kalki is not the best move a Sahaja Yogi can make as He will not hear You when You need him the most on Judgment day, nor will His 4 Horsemen to which 1 has already commented here as well.Avdhut you quoted this “I am trusting in my vibrations about him…you can be sure of that !

    Mental concepts are a great thing when enlightened by pure attention

    by the Grace of our Holy Mother.”

    When the Kudalini rises to the Sahasara then mind or as You have said mental concept has nothing to do with it. Enlighten people to which there are only a few and You are definitely not one of them, don’t use mental concepts because they have gone beyond the mind that is the message of Sahaja Yoga, as mind or mental concept is just ego at work. I would suggest to You Avdhut to go back and really read and listen to Shri Mataji’s words with NO mental concept at all and You will see the truth. I now understand why Shri Mataji dissolved the World Council, because they have turned Sahaja Yoga into a religion not a way of life. It is people like Yourself that are stopping and holding back humanity from evolving. I guess I will see you on the other side one way or another, and I will ask Shri Mataji and God almighty and most importantly Shri Kalki for their forgiveness for Your ignorance.

    By the way Happy Chinese New Year the Year of the White Tiger, Shri Mataji mentions that Shri Kalki is also the White Tiger, and funny enough Shri Kalki Richard Embleton was born in the Year of the Tiger and this is His Year.

    I beg of You to stop hurting Yours and My subtle system!!!!!

    I Love You All no matter what the outcome on Judgment day arrives.

    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

    with Love and Blessings

    • Avdhut Says:

      >Avdhut ~~~~ how does one be a truly devoted Sahaja Yogi by going around calling other Brothers and Sisters names,I don’t think that that is in the Sahaja Yoga handbook, nor does Shri Mataji condone it!!!When the Kudalini rises to the Sahasara then mind or as You have said mental concept has nothing to do with it. It is people like Yourself that are stopping and holding back humanity from evolving.<

      It's people like you who are telling people what to do and what not to do. Whatever I say to others I mean for myself. So hopefully you'll be pleased when one day I just stop replying to all your silly e-mails and get on with this amazing life we've been blessed with, IN OUR COMPLETE FREEDOM, with love to you and yours. Really, I do feel sorry for you and his gang, honestly. I don't know if you believe me or not, but what other way to show children how foolish they are but let them commit their own mistakes, freedom is such a great gift, especially the freedom to choose. But first of all the children need to know they're loved. If Sri Mataji didn't do that for you then I pray Mr. Embleton will. Honestly now; check the vibrations on it.

      If your subtle system is hurting Barry, do what your Mother told you to do. I'd rather do that then follow someone who uses Sri Mataji's words to satiate their nascissm.

      take care my friend

      • Avdhut Says:

        A lot of this got lost in the information highway somewhere, so feel a need to resend it, it came out so beautifully.

        >Avdhut ~~~~ how does one be a truly devoted Sahaja Yogi by going around calling other Brothers and Sisters names,<I don’t think that that is in the Sahaja Yoga handbook, nor does Shri Mataji condone it!!!I don’t think that that is in the Sahaja Yoga handbook, nor does Shri Mataji condone it!!!When the Kudalini rises to the Sahasara then mind or as You have said mental concept has nothing to do with it.It is people like Yourself that are stopping and holding back humanity from evolving.<

        It's you and Embly who are trying to tell everyone what to do and what not to do, I'm just making fun of you. It's a test, for you, how much peace will you get from him !? Or will you still feel the need to fight 🙂

        ( I call him Emblybembly because of the way he carries himself, his big ears, and the fact that he's so THICK but won't admit it though. I must confess, I do have some Love for the poor sod ).

        I'm sure you won't mind, but one-day I'll just stop…

        At the moment I'm just feeling for all the good and innocent people who lack the wisdom to see the stupidity of Emblybembly's maya. I honestly think he's a Rakshasaa now, I gave him the benefit of the doubt before, but now I'm convinced. But I'm not sure if he knows it yet. The problem is, if he does see his own mistake, by actually understanding what Sri Mataji has said, will he have the courage to drop everything, or the creativity to turn it all around. The latter would be better for him, and for you, if you're still with him then. All good accolytes will give thier life for their teacher, just don't take it literally. Remember Abraham, what a heart he had…wah whah.

        You are right to be concerned though, concepts can be as bad as they are good.

        I once asked Sri Mataji to give me a name, she said, in person, ''You can call yourself whatever you like !''
        So took the name Avdhut, because of what I had been through in life, seeking since birth, and the fact that I knew she knew me well.

        Do you know what Avdhut means ? Well, find out, and then do it for yourself, one day, believe me you'll have to, BY YOURSELF'. Even in the midst ( or is that 'mist' :-)) of everything we are by-our-SELF. The same self that is connected to everything, beyond concept.

        Yes, in a group it can all be achieved without words, but Embleton has pulled you into a different group.

        I'm not in the 'councils' group either, but I camn understand their insecurities, they're the same as yours.

        Be in the world but not of it my friend, stand on yourown two feet, that is the message I hope your teacher is telling you. That is what I'd expect of a 'FATHER'. We've already got the devotion part in H.H. Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'Mother', which has given us our own power of transformation, Kundalini awakening, the Father is in Heaven, in Sahasrara, Kundalini will take you there, nothing else.

        Abbreviating one's acknowledgement that one has been blessed by the Holy Mother, Adi Shakti, to 'JSM', is no reflection of the awe that one feels for Her. But one who does so is more likely to understand that SHE is greater than the sum of all our Guru's physical parts, and so any words are insufficient to express that awe. It's up to the individual how much they want to right in that regard. Much has already been written in praise of the divine by those who merely want attention, and surely only the most insecure person would be so DOGMATIC.

        The end of this letter is the end of the one before it.

        best wishes.


    • Avdhut Says:

      Are you ‘LORD’ Kartikeya now ?! Is that what he told you ?!

      Kartikeya I can understand, but ‘Lord’…(you know…those sounds you hear at the end of a panel game when the contestatnt gets it wrong.

      >Anybody who tries to show off, if you run after that person, that means you have not fathomed your own depth. You must know what is your depth. And don’t get impressed by somebody because he can dominate you very well and he can go about. Just stand on your own two legs and see for yourself.
      (extract from a talk to the Australians on India Tour, 1988-1217)

      ”… You don’t have to worry. It comes to culmination and a person goes out; as if somebody runs up like a blind fellow on a cliff and jumps, jumps down. You don’t have to worry too much about this. It just works. You have seen it has worked that way.<
      H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, extract from Navaratri Puja, Margate, England, 1989

      Know yourself Barry
      with love

      • lordkartikeya Says:

        Jai Shri Mataji!!I

        “Are you ‘LORD’ Kartikeya now ?”

        MMM I dont remember saying that!!! I use it as a username because Lord Kartikeya is the greatest demon fighter in the Kingdom of God, and Avdhut if I was then maybe You might get the point of what Shri Mataji is saying to You via the point of a lance. You see how You silly mind has taken control of You, and how childish behaviour has become. The point is I do know myself, But Do You??????

        All of My Love to You
        Jai Shri Mataji

      • lordkartikeya Says:

        Jai Shri Mataji!!!

        Yes, in a group it can all be achieved without words, but Embleton has pulled you into a different group.

        I’m not in the ‘councils’ group either, but I camn understand their insecurities, they’re the same as yours.

        MMMM I never said that I was in a group nor has Richard Embleton pulled Me there I am a part of a collective!! A collective of human souls, like You and Peter and Richard and ALL the other human beings upon this planet and ALL the souls of the Universe, again these are the real teachings of Shri Mataji!! I am not an individual what I do affects You the same as what You do affects Me, mind or mental concepts keep Us as in the individual level of thought.

        By the way Shri Mataji has asked All practitioners to honor Her by not using the word Sri but in fact to use the word Shri as is written on ALL of her lectures and official documents, again You may say that this is dogmatic but it is the wishes of a person that has given Us the chance of self evolution. so again I see Your ignorance, and childish behaviour.

        To Me it is just ego that likes to shorten things like Jai Shri Mataji to JSM because it couldn’t be bothered and too lazy to write the entire word, which in turn has come from the computer and text messaging system in the world.

        Love to You

  84. Avdhut Says:


    1975 letter from Shri Mataji to sahaja yogis, written on May 5th, 5 years after the opening of Sahasrara Chakra at the universal level

    Attention, Maya and Walking on the Path…

    In 1975, Shri Mataji (the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation) celebrated Sahasrara Day in London with about twenty to twenty-five invited people. On that same day, she sent a letter in Marathi to the Sahaja Yogis in India. Excerpts are provided below.

    “I am explaining, in this letter,” She wrote, “what is Unreal. It should be read out to all and assimilated by all.”

    Your name, village, country, horoscope, forecasts, many such things get attached to you or others attach them to you.

    Once the Brahmarandhra (the top of the head -fontanel bone area, the core of Sahasrara chakra) is closed, many types of illusory ideas become part of your mind….
    Only that attention which progresses, renouncing all that is unreal, breaks all known and unknown bindings becomes verily the Self.

    Atma (the Spirit) is never disturbed or destroyed. Only human attention, in pursuit of desires, leaves its inner path.
    This is Maya (the Illusion). She has been intentionally created. Without her, the Attention would not have developed.

    You should not be afraid of Maya and should recognize her so that She will illuminate your path.

    A Cloud hides the Sun and also makes it seen.
    In the same way, once the Maya is identified, she moves aside and the Sun is seen. The Sun is always there, but what is the purpose of the Cloud? Because of the Cloud, you have an urge to see the Sun, which shines for a moment and again hides somewhere. It gives strength and courage to your sight to see the sun.

    Man has been created with such great efforts. Only one step on his feet and all is successful. But still, it is not becoming possible. Hence, I have come as your Mother….

    Attention should always be kept going deeper and deeper within. Forget the outside as much as possible. Have confidence that everything about it is taken care of. There are many instances to prove it. Then, in whatever you do, your attention remains in oneness with the Self. All bindings of sin and merit are snapped. Distinctions like
    worldly and nonwordly vanish because that wicked darkness, which has created all the discriminations, ends. Everything becomes auspicious in the light of true knowledge, whether it is the destruction done by Shri Krishna or the cross of Shri Jesus.

    All this will not be understood by explaining. Just showing the path will not help.

    The path will be known only after walking on it….

    Many Blessings and Infinite Love to you all.

    Ever Yours,
    Your Mother, Nirmala

  85. Avdhut Says:

    Sahaja Yoga will only become more widely known and appreciated in the world when Yogis, as ordinary people, demonstrate the effectiveness of being one, in their conduct in the affairs of mankind, breaking the ‘mind forged manacles’ of mis-identification, then others will be impressed and want to try it out…

    Otherwise and besides it’s propagation in society, the universe will proceed according to it’s own necessity. Only those who are one with it will evolve, this requires the peacefull harmonisation of one’s will with that of the divine, by surrendering to all that IS, not to what people say it is, as that will always be a limited concept.

    We are all ‘that’ what ‘IT’ is…all we have to do is choose it over and above the concepts. In mankind IT’s reflection is in the heart, and She ( Kundalini ) does IT’s bidding, so long as innocence is respected.

    No threats, no pressure, no guilt required, no self-elected interceding personalities…no catches

    Peace and Love


  86. Avdhut Says:

    In the interests of Sri Mataji, our Guru’s expressed desire that the scientific voracity of the self-realisation process be demonstrated, and that we should also work with non-yogi seekers operating in pertinent fields of expertise, here is another interesting extract :

    (It’s just a shame that this sort of work is not deemed viable until it has been given a commercial application )

    THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE HEART ( In the knowledge that Paramatma, the combined effect of Kundalini and the Atma, resides in the centre of Saharara. For it to get their, in our innocence, we just need to be the playful, forgiving witness. After that, SHE DOES IT ALL. )


    Traditionally, the study of communication pathways between the “head” and heart has been approached from a rather one-sided perspective, with scientists focusing primarily on the heart’s responses to the brain’s commands. However, we have now learned that communication between the heart and brain is actually a dynamic, ongoing, two-way dialogue, with each organ continuously influencing the other’s function. Research has shown that the heart communicates to the brain in four major ways: neurologically (through the transmission of nerve impulses), biochemically (via hormones and neurotransmitters), biophysically (through pressure waves) and energetically (through electromagnetic field interactions). Communication along all these conduits significantly affects the brain’s activity. Moreover, our research shows that messages the heart sends the brain can also affect performance.

    The heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways:

    Neurological communication (nervous system)
    Biophysical communication (pulse wave)
    Biochemical communication (hormones)
    Energetic communication (electromagnetic fields)

    The studies described in this section probe several of these communication pathways, looking specifically at how the brain responds to patterns generated by the heart during positive emotional states. The first two studies focus primarily on neurological interactions, demonstrating that the afferent signals the heart sends the brain during positive emotions can alter brain activity in several ways. In the first study, we find that cardiac coherence can drive entrainment between very low frequency brainwaves and heart rhythms, thus further expanding our understanding of the physiological entrainment mode described in the previous section. In the second study, we learn that coherent heart rhythms also lead to increased heart-brain synchronization. The implications of these findings are explored in the third study, which shows that in states of high heart rhythm coherence, individuals demonstrate significant improvements in cognitive performance.

    Taken together, the results of these studies demonstrate that intentionally altering one’s emotional state through heart focus modifies afferent neurological input from the heart to the brain. The data suggest that as people experience sincere positive feeling states, in which the heart’s rhythms become more coherent, the changed information flow from the heart to the brain may act to modify cortical function and influence performance. These findings may also help explain the significant shifts in perception, increased mental clarity and heightened intuitive awareness many individuals have reported when practicing the HeartMath techniques.

    The final two studies in this section are concerned with energetic communication by the heart, which we also refer to as cardioelectromagnetic communication. The heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. This field, measured in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG), can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body. Furthermore, the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 5,000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain, and can be detected a number of feet away from the body, in all directions, using SQUID-based magnetometers (Figure 12). Prompted by our findings that the cardiac field is modulated by different emotional states (described in the previous section), we performed several studies to investigate the possibility that the electromagnetic field generated by the heart may transmit information that can be received by others.

    The Heart’s Electromagnetic Field

    The heart’s electromagnetic field–by far the most powerful rhythmic field produced by the human body–not only envelops every cell of the body but also extends out in all directions into the space around us. The cardiac field can be measured several feet away from the body by sensitive devices. Research conducted at IHM suggests that the heart’s field is an important carrier of information.

    Thus, the last two studies summarized in this section explore interactions that take place between one person’s heart and another’s brain when two people touch or are in proximity. This research elucidates the intriguing finding that the electromagnetic signals generated by the heart have the capacity to affect others around us. Our data indicate that one person’s heart signal can affect another’s brainwaves, and that heart-brain synchronization can occur between two people when they interact. Finally, it appears that as individuals increase psychophysiological coherence, they become more sensitive to the subtle electromagnetic signals communicated by those around them. Taken together, these results suggest that cardioelectromagnetic communication may be a little-known source of information exchange between people, and that this exchange is influenced by our emotions.

    “Since emotional processes can work faster than the mind, it takes a power stronger than the mind to bend perception, override emotional circuitry, and provide us with intuitive feeling instead. It takes the power of the heart.”

    —Doc Childre, Founder, Institute of HeartMath

    with Love

  87. Avdhut Says:

    ”The Heart KNOWS what the head can only question”.
    (Quote of unknown origin)

    …my own ‘Sahasrara message’ 🙂 (See Emblybembly entry #78)

  88. clark Says:

    regarding ” The heart KNOWS what the head can only question”
    thats the only life presever we need in this ocean of illusion,given by the grace of our Holy Mother.

  89. clark Says:

    Re: relationship of Job and God.
    I guess the concept that the all knowing God is Learning from us as much as we are learning from Him/Her,was just sort of a new way of seeing that The Divine is a living being,capable of taking in new information,and evolving. I guess i used to think of the divine as something sort of static,so this is new to me.

    • shrimatajisahajayogalectures Says:

      Jai Shri Mataji

      “We have our own concepts about God, that why should He be a poor man? Why should He be helpless? He never showed His helplessness! He was more dynamic than all your kings and politicians put together! He was not afraid of anyone! Whatever he had to say, he said it. He was not afraid of crucifixion or of any so-called punishment. It is only the human beings you see, who have these false ideas about life and that’s why they want to put these ideas on to God also, and try and make Him also follow these concepts!

      God is not your concepts. He is not a concept at all! You also say that, “A concept is after all a concept, not an actuality!” This i have found out very recently! That is another myth that people carry i.e. ‘a concept is a concept”. All right, Mataji says ‘all right’.” So what? But even this is a concept, because a concept is a thought! You have to rise beyond thought at a higher level into thoughtless awareness, where you are not in thought, but you are in the centre of thought, in the sense that one thought rises and falls; another thought rises and falls, and there is a place in between. You are in the centre of these thoughts, the ‘Vilamba’ as we call it – the time where you pause. Then, you will understand Christ.”
      Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – The Message of Christ – Caxton Hall, London – 10 December 1979

      • Avdhut Says:

        Concepts are like branches on the tree, eventually stopping at the point where the flower turns into fruit.

        Blessed are the words/concepts which lead us to ourselves.

        Blessed is the silence in the midst of the storm.

        JAI SRI MATAJIII !!!!! 🙂

      • Avdhut Says:

        In fact no…branches get even subtler, pervading the leaf as veins, which transport the subtle exchange of the inbreath with the out, via the openings (vacuoles) in the leaf, like a little Saharara.

        Ever wondered at the wonder of the ‘Breath of Life’, the cool wind, and the interaction between the heart and the lungs, and how spontaneous it all is in it’s dynamism, and how all these things are reflected through all sorts of other things, in different but similar ways, whew, a lot to grasp with the mind ( Even an M.A.’d’ wouldn’t be enough to ‘qualify’ you ),

        But isn’t just as amazing how, for one who has found the absolute inconcievable truth, inspiration comes and is revealed in thought, word and deed …and how those limited things can lead you to the feeling, then to the source of all feelings, to infinite ( in-finite – indeterminable, inconcievable ) LOVE.

        We are living such a great creative adventure ?!

        That’s why we were instructed by Sri Mataji not to sit for meditation for very long or do any treatments at all in the music academy, because you can never fully express the beauty of the left side unless it is already clear, and if it is not no point being there. The same goes for moving Sahaja Yoga along, there are stages, some are still stuck in the devotional stage. Some have to go back to it now and again, but some, by the grace of the primordial Mother within, are secure enough their to express their security, and their appreciation for their blessings.

        As SHE said, ”They will come when they see how much you are enjoying !”

        May all our thoughts be pure, and expressed in word and deed, thus increasing the enjoyment.

        JAY SRI MATAJI !!!!!

  90. Avdhut Says:

    One word missing from you your ‘108 names’


  91. kalkichrist Says:

    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

    At the end of the day, Shri Mataji has said, (quote from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Ekadesha Puja Lecture given in Italy on July 16th 1984 – shown in comment number 66) that one person is Shri Kalki, yet Advhut believes his own concepts of reality. Believing and not believing are equally as useless, and is the mind realm. At lease the practitioners of Sahaja Yoga know that God’s Holy Spirit is not a dove, but they have a healthy appetite for Mahamaya Shri Mataji’s great illusions in “believing” that either Shri Mataji is alsio the Father as well, that they think Shri Adi Shakti could be the Original Spirit and God’s Holy Spirit, despite countless lectures about Shri Adi Shakti being separated from God, or, there is another theory the Sahaja Yoga practitioners have, which is that everybody is the “one person” Who Shri Mataji has told in going to judge everybody.

    So every word that is written by Advhut can be summed up as conjecture, as displayed lavishly throughout. Also, Advhut is a prime example of what not to be if Shri Ganesha is to allow a persom access to Kundalini within, and so I wait to see the conjecture and insult that will result from the stagnent Mooladhara, locked up Swadhisthan, mirky Nabhi, stone Anahat, right-sided Vishuddhi, knife pierced Agnya (right petal) and hot, egg frying Sahasrara that the personification of a practitioner of yoga should face before attempting to approach Shri Ganesha, Kundalini, Shri Adi Shakti Shri Mataji, Shri Sadashiva and His Human born Incarnation as Shri Kalki. All Advhut’s chidish remarks should be summed up within that and have a nice day!!! 🙂

    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

    • Avdhut Says:

      From posting #66

      >…all given in one person that is the ‘Mahavishnu’, that is the ‘Lord Jesus Christ’, because He is the support of the whole universe. He is the personification of Aumkara; He is the personification of vibrations. So when He gets Angry then the whole universe starts breaking. As He personifies the Power of the Mother which is penetrating into every atom, into every molecule, into every human being, into everything that is living and non-living, once it gets disturbed the whole thing gets into jeopardy. So the pleasing of Christ is very important. Now Christ has said, “You have to be like small children” – that is the innocence. The purity of the heart is the best way you can please Him.” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Ekadesha Puja Lecture given in Italy on July 16th 1984. <

      So Embly, how does this relate to you ???

      Childish ? Ever heard the expression, 'If there's a bad smell check your own top lip first'' 🙂

      We're all in the same boat Embly, ''…if you feel one person's finger burning then who is the other '' remember ?

      But then people like you always blame everything on everyone else.

      • Avdhut Says:

        Time to forgive yourself maybe ?!?

      • Avdhut Says:

        Advhut is a prime example of what not to be if Shri Ganesha is to allow a persom access to Kundalini within.

        I feel my kundalini quite well, there’s a continuous flow of cool breeze at Saharara whenever I put my attention there.

        So Sri Mataji didn’t do her job properly, is that what you’re saying ?

  92. Avdhut Says:

    Sahaja Yoga and Thanksgiving

    “But you are at a different level now. So it’s more of a thanksgiving to your own kundalini and to Adi Shakti, glorifying that whatever has happened so miraculously is because of the kundalini which was within you, which was reflected by the Adi Shakti. But one has to know that only we are realized souls is not the point, only that we can feel the vibrations is not the point, that we can give realizations to other is also not the point. Then what is it? Very important – it’s the content within us. What do we have within us is the point. These are all the expressions of what we have within.

    Supposing somebody is generous, then know that he’s a rich man, otherwise he cannot be. So the content within us we have to see. And when we start seeing the content, where do we find in the nature there is real content? We say the sea. Sea is there you see, full of water. So much of water it sucks in from everywhere and then it allows itself to be boiled by the sun and gives rain. But sea is the lowest level, stands at the lowest level and sucks in all the water from everywhere.”

    — 1989 Navaratri Puja in England

  93. Avdhut Says:

    PETER, you are a very great Sahaja Yogi, and I Love you !

    JSM !!!!!

  94. Avdhut Says:

    The Brain ­ is wider than the Sky ­
    For ­ put them side by side ­
    The one the other will contain
    With ease ­ and You ­ beside ­
    The Brain is deeper than the sea ­
    For ­ hold them ­ Blue to Blue ­
    The one the other will absorb ­
    As Sponges ­ Buckets ­ do ­
    The Brain is just the weight of God ­
    For ­ Heft them ­ Pound for Pound ­
    And they will differ ­ if they do ­
    As Syllable from Sound ­

    (Emily Dickinson)


    I felt a clearing in my mind
    As if my brain had split;
    I tried to match it, seam by seam,
    But could not make them fit.

    The thought behind I strove to join
    Unto the thought before,
    But sequence ravelled out of reach
    Like balls upon the floor.


    Who Has Not Found the Heaven Below
    Who has not found the heaven below
    Will fail of it above.
    God’s residence is next to mind,
    His furniture love.


    This is my letter to the world,
    That never wrote to me,–
    The simple news that Nature told,
    With tender majesty.
    Her message is committed
    To hands I cannot see;
    For love of her, sweet countrymen,
    Judge tenderly of me!

    *We do sweet sister, rest in peace, there are Sahaja Yogis in the world now. Everything will be alright ( What I most remember of the words our dear Mother spoke to ME…EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT !!)


  95. Avdhut Says:


  96. lordkartikeya Says:

    (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Bombay, India – 28 September, 1979)

    Today’s subject is the relationship between Kundalini & Kalki. The word Kalki is actually an abbreviation of the word ‘Nishkalank’ which means the same as my name ‘Nirmala’. It [Nishkalank] means it is spotlessly clean, without any spots or marks.

    This incarnation has been described in many Puranas and will be coming on this Earth on a white horse in a village of Sambhalpur (as they call it). It is very interesting how people take everything literally. The word ‘Sambhal’ means ‘Bhal’. It is the Forehead. It means that ‘at that stage’, Kalki is situated on your Bhal or Forehead and he is going to be born. That is the real meaning of the word.

    For us, in between Christ and the destroying incarnation of Mahavishnu called ‘Kalki’, there is a ‘Time Given’ for human beings to rectify themselves to enable them to enter the kingdom of God. The Bible calls this ‘The Last Judgment’…. that you will all be judged on this Earth. The population of the world is maximum, as practically all those who have aspirations to enter into the kingdom of God, have been born in the Modern Times, or are going to be born very soon. This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine within] is also ‘The Last Judgment’. It is fantastic to have this, but that is a fact, and it is the Truth. You can understand though, that Mother’s Love makes it very easy for you to get your Self-realisation and that the whole story of the Last Judgment, which looks like such a horrifying experience, has been made very beautiful, tender and delicate, and does not have to disturb you. But this is the Last Judgment, ‘I tell you’ and you are all going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga [through your Union with the Divine], [as to] whether you can enter the kingdom of God, or not.

    When we talk of Kalki, we have to remember that between getting our Realisation and entering into the kingdom of God, we can falter very much. This is called as ‘Yoga Bhrasta Sthiti’, where people take to yoga [to union], enter into the yoga [the union] but are still enchanted by their Pravaruttis. Examples of this enchantment are an ego-oriented man, or a money-oriented man, who wants to dominate, can form a group of people, whom he will dominate with his ideas, and therefore he can go in for a fall, and the rest of the people will go with him also in Sahaja Yoga itself.

    In Sahaja yoga [in spontaneous union with the Divine] it is left to your freedom to understand that you have to keep to the mains; you have to keep to the growth, you have to keep to the whole and not to one person here and there, who is trying to overpower the rest.

    ‘Kalki’ means there are eleven powers which are guarding the beauty of Sahaja yoga [the beauty of your union with the Divine]. Anybody who tries to play around with Sahaja yoga is harmed very badly. So today is the day of telling you about the dangers of ‘playing around’ with the Divine. So far people have been taking them [saintly persons] for granted. They have tortured great saints. All the time human beings are tortured. Now I am warning them in almost every lecture of mine, that don’t try this trick today, because Kalki is already on. Don’t try to trouble anybody who is a saintly person, who is a good person. ‘Be careful’ about it because Kalki is on. And once this power comes on you, you would not know how to hide yourself.

    Not only to the Sahaja yogis, but I am telling to the whole world today that “Be careful”. Do not try to harm others. Do not try to take advantage of others, and do not try to show off your own powers. Because, if once this destruction starts in your life you won’t know how to stop it. This sort of life we have been leading ‘of compromising’, not understanding what is Truth, and what is not Truth. One side is complete ‘blind faith’ into all these things that are going on, not only in India, but all over the world. We are simple innocent people with a lot of ‘Havikta’ within. But that does not mean that we should be stupid and be fools.

    It is so common with us that we see with our open eyes what is happening, yet still we will be ‘going on’ with the same things in the temple. Even in the name of God we are doing sins after sins. We are adding sins to our sins, and instead of clearing it out and understanding it through our developed brain, we just go adding to it. That is why I call people “tamasic” who do not use their brains. They are Moodh Buddhis [dull intellects]. They just fall on somebody because there is some sort of hypnotic influence, or some sort of charismatic movement. And people are running after them like madmen and adding up to the destruction by piling up sins after sins, instead of cleansing themselves.

    This ‘Time’ that we have got is a most precious time and one has to be very careful and alert about oneself. One should not depend on any other person for help in this; but should try to completely consolidate one’s own being into the Kingdom of God, and occupy the highest seat in the heart of the God Almighty. Because when Kalki will come, He will slaughter all these people, without any compassion. He is devoid of any compassion. There are ‘Eleven Rudras’ in Him.

    This means that there are eleven destructive Powers, absolutely powerfully settled in Him. When I see all that (because I can see all that) and this emergency grows into me, and I tell you ‘Beware of Him’. Don’t play ‘the fool’ with Him. Don’t take it easy and do not compromise, with these nonsensical people. Stick on to the right. Otherwise, the day is near when Kalki is going to come. I have to warn all the Sahaja Yogis who are here. Because Sahaja Yoga is the last judgment. It is not only that you will be judged and that you are entering into the Kingdom of God, but that you become the citizens of God, is correct. Apart from that you are capable of being there where you have the complete surrendering and understanding of Divine Love.

    Today’s lecture is going to be very sharp for you, because the incarnation that you have asked me to speak on is a very sharp one. It is the sharpest of all. We had Krishna’s incarnation, for example. He has Hanan Shakti. He has killed Kansa, so many Rakshasas. You know also that as a child, He killed Putana, but He had ‘Leela’ also. He had love and He did give concessions to people. He forgave people.

    Christ is the embodiment of forgiveness. Forgiveness of Christ is nothing but ‘the power of sustenance within him’. If He Explodes, the whole forgiveness will come on us as a big disaster, if you are not able to understand the value of his forgiveness. He has said very clearly that ‘anything said against me [against Christ] will be tolerated’ but a word against the Holy Ghost won’t be tolerated”. Now you have to understand that the Holy Ghost is the Adishakti.

    One has to understand that such an Incarnation is imminent, and Shri Krishna’s Powers are given to Him, which is only Hanana Shakti. Brahma Deva’s Powers which are only Hanana Shakti are given to Him. Shiva’s Powers, which are also Hanana Shakti, i.e. a part of his ‘Tandav’ is given to Him. Similarly Bhairava’s Khadaga Shri Ganesha’s Parshu, Shri Hanumana’s Gada and the Siddhis which are going to destroy are given to Him. Buddha’s forgiveness and Mahavira’s AHIMSA, are going to turn upside down. All these Eleven powers are going to come on the top of us when we will be finished with Sahaja Yoga, when we will be absolutely sorted out, and the last killing will be done by Him. I wish it is just a killing [but] it is not going to be an ordinary Hanana, like even the Devi has done. The Devi has killed all the Rakshasas, thousands of year back, but they are back in the seat again.

    Now the problem is very different at the present moment, which you should try to understand. The problem of Kali-Yuga, is that, there are not pure and simple persons, such as Sadhus and Rakshasas. So many Rakshasas have entered into your brains. You side with so many people, who are wrong and who are doing all sorts of wrong things in the name of religion, in the name of politics, progress, education and all that. Once you have sided with them, then they are in your brains; they are within you. When they are within you, how to destroy them?

    You may be a good person, but you may be destroyed because you are having them in your heads. So there is not a hard and fast rule to say who is a real negative person, and who is a real positive person. Only Sahaja Yoga [spontaneous union with the Divine] is going to cleanse you and make you absolutely positive. This is the only way when your Ankura (sprouting) starts giving you Realization and you feel your Self.

    And with that Self, you know that you are Yourself and not this Mirage. You start enjoying that Self. When you start enjoying it, you give up all the things that make you compromise and make you a ‘horrible mixed-up person’. All this confusion will then go. So it is essential that we take to Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine] in a most dedicated manner and free ourselves and others, of all the wrong doings.

    Kalki is a very big subject. If you see Kalki Purana, it is such a big book. When is the time coming? If this is a living process, when will the work be finished? When you see that there is not any more chance of having any more people coming in this “Time”, then Kalki will come down. So today is the day of warning you, because you have asked Me to speak on Kalki. He is placed on our forehead. When the chakra of Kalki is caught up, the whole of Murdha, which is on the top goes out of order. In the Kundalini awakening, we find that if the Murdha goes out of order, the Kundalini doesn’t rise. The whole head becomes blocked. Such people do not allow the Kundalini to rise above the Hamsa Chakra. At the most they might try to raise it up to Agnya, but then it drops down.

    There is another reason also, as I have said that if you put your head on the feet of wrong Gurus, you suffer. Too much thinking also creates problem at the right hand side and one of the aspects of Kalki gets spoiled; and there is an imbalance created on this side. The whole forehead, if it is full of lot of bumps, then we must know that the Kalki Chakra is out of order. If it is out of order then what is the thing that one should do to keep the Kalki alright? To keep your Kalki Chakra all right you must have an Awe for God, and fear to do wrong. If you are doing something wrong, and in your Heart of hearts, you know it, then please don’t do it. Otherwise, your Kalki will go out.

    When you have that awe for God, and know that He is all pervading, all powerful, that He has the powers to raise us to this state of higher being and also He has powers to bestow all the blessings that He has. He is the most compassionate God or we can say, the most compassionate father that one can think of. But in the same way [as a father], he has a wrath, and if that wrath falls upon you, nobody can slip from under it. Nobody can stop it, and the compassion of the mother will not be listened to because He may say that “you have spoiled your children by giving them too much looseness”. But if you do anything for Him, or for your own being or for your Self-Realisation, you will be placed in the highest position.

    Today, you may be the biggest millionaire, you may be the richest, may be the biggest political leader and all that nonsense. In the presence of God, those who are dear to God will be placed at the highest position and not all these worldly things, which looks so interesting and enchanting to you.

    The most important thing is where are you as far as God is concerned? That relation you must establish, by first finding out your Self (your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga [your union with the Divine] and then relating yourself to that.

    • lordkartikeya Says:

      Jai Shri Mataji!!!

      Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
      Above is Shri Mataji’s lecture on Shri Kalki, it is a good read for those who doubt that Shri Kalki is already incarnated on this planet NOW, I guess that still some may doubt but they will find out when the time is right, that all that has been said is truth, and the vibrations are there for You all to feel.

      I also guess that some members here doubt that any of the Divine ones have incarnated back to Earth to Save ALL OUR SOULS. Even though Shri Mataji has indicated and even named them.

      Jai Shri Mataji!!!

      Love to All My Brothers and Sisters

      • Avdhut Says:

        >This incarnation has been described in many Puranas and will be coming on this Earth on a white horse in a village of Sambhalpur (as they call it). It is very interesting how people take everything literally. The word ‘Sambhal’ means ‘Bhal’. It is the Forehead. It means that ‘at that stage’,Kalki is situated on your Bhal or Forehead and he is going to be born. That is the real meaning of the word.The most important thing is where are you as far as God is concerned? That relation you must establish, by first finding out your Self (your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga your union with the Divine] and then relating yourself to that.Shri Mataji has shown Me conclusively that Richard Embleton is Shri Kalki and that nothing will stop the Divine process from happening.<

        Oh, in what way ?

  97. Avdhut Says:

    > The word ‘Sambhal’ means ‘Bhal’. It is the Forehead. It means that ‘at that stage’,Kalki is situated on your Bhal or Forehead and he is going to be born. Shri Mataji has shown Me conclusively that Richard Embleton is Shri KalkiThe most important thing is where are you as far as God is concerned? That relation you must establish, by first finding out your Self (your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga your union with the Divine] and then relating yourself to that.<

    This I also understand to mean EVERYBODY ALREADY has everything they need. So no need for outside agency. Unless of course YOU feel a need for it, in which case, go right ahead…BUT, everything in this talk you have presented here, as with ALL the other talks presented by Embleton and his accolytes, shows, to clear headed secure people (even if they enjoy playing the fool to test people ), that his assertions of EXCLUSIVELY being THE much heralded and awaited horseman of the apocalypse (titter titter….sssshhh, they think we're childish :-)), IS ALL PURE CONJECTURE ( Lovely word that isn't it !)

    Yes we are all part of the group called humanity that needs salvation from itself, but when people start telling others 'You're father calls, and here he is', and then you get replys threatening you with damnation for not accepting him, I don't know about you, but it kind of makes my stomach churn, and, well you know, Sri MAtaji told us it's best not to go near people who make you feel like that, so I know it's best I don't take him up on it, especially as I already know that Sri ( Oh sorry, for you…) SHRI Mataji ( It's got to do with the pronouncement, these silly westerners are bound to mispronounce it if it's not clearly elucidated in the spelling ) has given us EVERYTHING we need. Maybe what I should say is, what 'one' needs, as obviously for a lot of you it wasn't enough.

    Go there Barry, go there, and get what you need. And I hope you do…lots of love.

  98. Avdhut Says:

    > The word ‘Sambhal’ means ‘Bhal’. It is the Forehead. It means that ‘at that stage’,Kalki is situated on your Bhal or Forehead and he is going to be born.<

    Oh so Sri Kalki will be born on my forehead, surely that means everyones forhead. How does this relate to Embleton ?

  99. Avdhut Says:

    >It is very interesting how people take everything literally.<

    Yes, it sure is…born can also mean 'carried' can't it ?! So how do you get form Her words to Embleton being Sri Kalki ( It seems a sin to even say the two names in one sentence. So yes, I'd better stop hurting my chakras by even mentioning his name in the same breath as Her. Better to behave childishly and call him some thing liiike, ah, I know EMBLYBEMBLYYYYY 🙂 🙂 )

  100. Avdhut Says:

    >Shri Mataji has shown Me conclusively that Richard Embleton is Shri Kalki<

    and Richard Embleton petitions people to follow him, cajoling them with warnings of Ill consequences if they don't. I call that forming a group. You recognise him, so you've become a part of that group. Your still a member of the group called humanity, and what awacky group THAT is…so ANOTHER little wacky one isn't going to seem too out of place really is it !

  101. Avdhut Says:

    GOOD NEWS, I won’t be back to talk to EmblyKalki’s merry band anymore…my family are more important, and of course, becoming what Sri Mataji would very much like us all to become.

    Hope to stop by and post up some things I like though, if that’s OK with you Peter.

    JSM…with the utmost respect and appreciation for Her.

  102. Avdhut Says:

    >The most important thing is where are you as far as God is concerned? That relation you must establish, by first finding out your Self (your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga your union with the Divine] and then relating yourself to that.<

    Eternally grateful to Her Supreme Holiness, Parampujaya Mataji, Sri Nirmala Devi…thank you Mother, thank you Mother, THANK YOU…for saving me from people like Embleton.

  103. Avdhut Says:

    >man… who wants to dominate, can form a group of people, whom he will dominate with his ideas, and therefore he can go in for a fall, and the rest of the people will go with him also in Sahaja Yoga itself.<

    Thank you Mother for showing us how to clear our intellect so we may understand you better, and so avoid this catastrophe.

  104. Avdhut Says:

    >…all that has been said is truth, and the vibrations are there for You all to feel.<

    Yes, Mother's talks do give lovly vibrations don't they 🙂

  105. Avdhut Says:

    Bye, Embly 🙂 See you later no doubt, from afar hopefully, because if I do ever come face to face with you I’ll just crack up laughing. At least then you’ll know who I am, because you don’t now, in any sense of the word.

    But definitely you will have LOTS of followers, GARUNTEED 🙂


  106. Avdhut Says:

    Mmmm…”…and does not disturb you .”THANK YOU MOTHER 🙂


    ”Though you can understand that Mother’s Love makes it very easy for you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last Judgment – which looks such a horrifying experience – ***has been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb you.”***(!!!!)

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India – September 28, 1979

  107. Avdhut Says:

    “This is the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or herself through the light of the Spirit.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (date unknown)

  108. Avdhut Says:

    “And in this great happening of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection Time, one need not, and should not, believe blindfolded in whatever is said about ascent or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with an open mind like a, scientist.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  109. Avdhut Says:

    “So in this Last Judgment a new race, new race of great people is created. It is your own. It is your own power. Only to know how glorious you are. How great you are. ***Absolutely free because you get that superior intelligence.*** In the light of Spirit you know what is constructive for you. You know absolute knowledge.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  110. Avdhut Says:

    “The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment today. We are not aware of it. And all the satanic forces have come out like the wolves in sheep’s clothes. And they are trying to attract you and you do not judge them. You only sit down and judge the Reality. It has started, it is a fact. It has started.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  111. Avdhut Says:

    “Christ has said very clearly in the second chapter of Matthew 2nd verse “You’ll be calling me Christ! Christ! I won’t recognize you.” That’s very true. It is not a question of who recognises Him, but He should recognize you because the advent of Christ is going to be absolutely terrible. ***He is not going to talk to you, convince you or comfort you or give you any council***as I am trying my level best, but He will just come for the Last Sorting out because I declare that the Last Judgment has started. ***The Last Judgment takes place only through Kundalini awakening.*** There is no other way out. God is going to do it ***through living process.***”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  112. Avdhut Says:

    “***Sahaja Yoga*** is for the emancipation of the whole world, at every level. Once we have people of a certain number in Sahaja Yoga, ***it***will start triggering understanding of real righteousness, religiousness and our love for God, and enlightened faith in God. This is how the Resurrection time is going to be worked out. This is the Last Judgment time, ***and everyone can judge him or herself through the light of the Spirit.”***

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date Unknown)

  113. Avdhut Says:

    “If we have to change this world, and if we have to save our people from complete destruction, ***we have to take to wisdom***, and that is only possible ***when the brain is enlightened*** by Kundalini. This is what is very important today, when we see that this world is on the verge of destruction. Of course, the Creator himself is very anxious to save us and that is why he has in these modern times which are called Kali Yuga, made the all-pervading power activated.

    So, now a new age has started which is called the Age of Aquarius,

    (Kumbha) meaning the pitcher carrier of spiritual holy water that is the work of Kundalini. The activity of the Kundalini is like the sap of the tree that rises and nourishes all parts of the tree and does not get stuck at one flower (centre). Moreover these are special times. This is the resurrection time. ***The Last Judgment is done by the Kundalini***. On the fingertips one can feel oneself and can judge oneself.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  114. Avdhut Says:

    ”…Of course, if a hypothesis is proved, then any honest, scientifically minded modern person has to accept it.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date Unknown)

  115. Avdhut Says:

    “Shri Krishna, as I have told you, was the incarnation of diplomacy. So He plays around quite a lot and ultimately He brings forth the untruth and the falsehood. But in doing that He judges people so it’s very important that Shri Krishna’s powers of His diplomacy were to be manifesting at this time when it is the Last Judgment.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

    (Date unknown)


  116. Avdhut Says:

    ”In the Koran it is very clearly said at the time of Resurrection, your hands will speak and will give witness against you”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  117. Avdhut Says:

    ”It is the special time of Last Judgment where ***you have to judge ***yourself ”***

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date Unknown)

  118. Avdhut Says:

    “Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en- masse ***evolution*** manifested through it. It is this day’s Yuga Dharma. It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, ***their absolute,*** their spirit.”***

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date Unknown)

  119. Avdhut Says:

    “The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment today. We are not aware of it. And all the satanic forces have come out ***like the wolves in sheep clothes.*** And they are trying to attract you and you do not judge them. ***You only sit down and ***judge*** the Reality.*** It has started, it is a fact. It has started.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    Kingston, U.K. — June 11, 1980

  120. Avdhut Says:

    “Jesus Christ incarnated to open the Agnya Chakra and to dissolve our ego. ***My job is to awaken your Kundalini Power so that it could pierce your Sahasrara Chakra.*** This work is ***of a collective nature***. ***I have therefore to do it in the case of ***one and all.*** I want to tell you about Jesus Christ, Guru Nanaka, King Janaka and a number of other incarnations and the way they relate with the Collectivity. Similarly, I wish to talk to you about incarnations of Shri Rama, Shri Krishna, etcetera and also about Shri Shiva ***because all the Powers of these Gods and Deities are in us.*** Now the Time has come ***for Collective Consciousness*** to manifest.

    In this Kali Yuga all those who are seeking God shall find Him and millions of people will be able to do so. Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. This is described in the Bible. You are judged only after you come to Sahaja Yoga…

    ***The Judgment in this matter is to be made ***by the individual himself.*** It is only when you stabilize in Sahaja Yoga that the state of thoughtless awareness is established. So long as the Kundalini Power does not pass through the Agnya Chakra the state of thoughtless awareness is not reached. As soon as the Kundalini crosses the Agnya Chakra the thoughtless awareness is established. It is the Power of Shri Jesus which is instrumental in opening the subtle door located above the Agnya Chakra. ***For that purpose you are to recite ***the Lord’s Prayer*** composed by Jesus Christ.*** After crossing this Door the Kundalini Power enters ***the limbic area of the ***brain***. It is after the Kundalini enters this area, ***which is also termed as the Kingdom of God***, that the state of thoughtless ***awareness*** is established.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  121. Avdhut Says:

    “So that Mahamaya is acting all the time, but that’s the only way you can judge people. This Last Judgment is not an easy thing and even if you put thousands of judges they cannot do this Judgment – ***all the time you have to know what is what.*** And somehow I know everything but I will never show that I know. That’s how I work it out and gradually I know what I have to do about that person.

    This Resurrection of yours is much more blessed than that of Christ . ****Only*** thing is first of all you have to recognize Me — *****that’s all.***** You need not know Me; it’s not easy. It’s difficult to know Me. ********But if you recognize ***Me***( Sri Mataji !!!! )— ********that’s all…*****(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-))

    But that’s the Love of your Mother that She wants to save as many as possible all that are created on this Earth, to give them their Resurrection. ***This is a Special Time!”***

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    Self-Knowledge For Resurrection,
    Easter Puja, Calcutta, India — March 14, 1995

  122. Avdhut Says:

    “Sahaja Yoga is ****the way of ****Nature****, is the Way of God. He has given you ***the right*** to be ***that.*** It is your right that you get it, ***that you establish your Self ***in your *****own****(!!!!!) doing . . . So you have to grow into it. Then you will enjoy and that is the Kingdom of God which is being promised to you in which you will feel ***Collectively Consciousness***. That is what it is and that is the Last Judgment which has been talked [about]. How are they going to judge you? Are they going to weigh you on a scale? . . . Think about it — How are they going to judge you? ******The Judgment is Here!”***(Please note the date below :-))

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    Seeking In The West, London, U.K. — November 21, 1979

  123. Avdhut Says:

    “Of course, this is also the age of ***science and technology*** in which human beings *******progressed****** beyond*** the stage of ***blind faith.*** And in this great happening of the Last Judgment (Bible) and the Resurrection Time (Koran), one need not, and ***should not,*** believe ***blindfolded*** in whatever is said about ascent or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with an open mind like a scientist. Of course, if a hypothesis is ***proved,*** then any honest, ***scientifically minded*** modern person has to accept it. The pure Knowledge of the Divine, manifesting itself directly through Self-Realization, will progressively lead to the creation of a new race for the new Age. *******This Knowledge is not then for very few privileged individuals,****** (!!!!!!!!!!!!) as it was in ***the past,*** but for the benevolence of the whole world. In this way, the last breakthrough of our evolution will be achieved en masse. The entire human race can be renewed and transformed. Dharma, righteousness, will once again be universally respected, and human beings will live in Peace, harmoniously with themselves, ***with Nature,*** and with each other.”*** ( Thanks be to HER…)

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

    (Date unknown)

  124. Avdhut Says:

    “You cannot force on the organization of God anything. ***He is on His own,*** His organization is on His own.*** Only thing you can do is to enter into His Kingdom and become a part and parcel of that blissful domain.

    You would never like to change it either. It is so wonderful. It is so protective, it’s so loving, is so gentle, so kind, so compassionate, that you would hate to change that organization, but we do! ***We try to organize God.***

    For people who think that is the ultimate you have to seek, ****it’s all arranged to enter into the Kingdom of God***. ***The time has come . *****This****(Please see date below) is the Day of Resurrection. ******These**** are the days of Resurrection.”******

    Shri Pasahantri Devi
    Hampstead, UK — July 22, 1982

    (Pasahantri [811th]: One who destroys Pasas or bonds and gives liberation or Moksa.)

  125. Avdhut Says:

    “The will of man makes possible the action of the Holy Breath. When will of man and will of God are one, the resurrection is a fact.”
    (Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ Chapter 178:41)

    We have the Holy Breath, and we have the will…sooo…we are already ressurected. Just as Sri Mataji has been saying all along.

    JAY Sri Mataji

  126. Avdhut Says:

    “I don’t care for your protocols and rituals. It is nonsense for me.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  127. Avdhut Says:

    “I am here to do the job of God Almighty.”

    Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  128. Avdhut Says:

    “When you believe in God you believe in the darkness and ignorance, and when you do not believe in Him also you are in ignorance. By believing into you close your eyes, accept the faith and go along with it. Of course it shows that you are conscious of some Power which is beyond. Such people have a great chance. But in the case if you go to these extremes in this kind of faith then you start only believing in Christ, only believing in Muhammad, only believing in Krishna — I mean depending on where you are born. How human beings are so narrow-minded?”

    H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  129. Avdhut Says:

    “I am here to tell you all these things which Christ could not tell, and to fulfill what He wanted to say. All those things I am saying to you.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date unknown)

  130. Avdhut Says:

    “The representatives of Sadashiva and Adi Shakti in us are the Atma and the Kundalini.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date Unknown)

  131. Avdhut Says:

    ”You will be surprised to know that Jesus Christ has told nothing but the importance of Sahaja Yoga. ****Everything*** has been explained with minor details. Those who have no ***insight,***(inward sight…thus…those who do not look inward ?) misrepresent the matters.”

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date Unknown)

  132. Avdhut Says:

    “In reality, giving Baptism means the awakening of the Kundalini Power so that after it rises and pierces the Sahasrara, there is the union of the All-Pervading Power of God and the Kundalini Power. ****This,*** in fact, is ****the final job of the Kundalini Power****. But the ***clergy***(:-0) know nothing about this. On the contrary, they are vainly trying to do something which they are ***not even authorized to do.***”

    H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    (Date Unknown)

  133. Avdhut Says:

    “Na tasya pratima asti”
    “There is no image of Him.”[Yajurveda 32:3]

    “Ekam evadvitiyam”
    “He is One only without a second.” [Chandogya Upanishad 6:2]

    “Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah.”
    “Of Him there are neither parents nor lord.” [Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]

    “Na tasya pratima asti”
    “There is no likeness of Him.” [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]

    “shudhama poapvidham”
    “He is bodiless and pure.” [Yajurveda 40:8]

    “Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam.”
    “His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye.” [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]

  134. Avdhut Says:

    The ultimate act against the Spirit is to worship that which has no Spirit (!!!)

    ***”This union of Atma and Shakti as ***the protector of one’s existence*** is important to understand . . . At a practical level what this means is that if one goes against the Spirit, *****identifying with anything apart from** it**, the heart ‘catches’…***(!!)

    When we come to Sahaja Yoga the Tantra is damaged and impure and the heart ‘catches.’ There is nothing to be upset in that. One should settle down silently and work to undo the ‘catches,’ gradually and slowly. ***The whole Library of Divine Knowledge is at ***one’s hand*** and if the heart’s desire to evolve the being and achieve the Absolute is pure***, ***the solution to every problem will occur ****automatically***, effortlessly*** and spontaneously*** — Sahaj.(!)

    The ultimate act against the Spirit is to worship that which has no Spirit — gross matter or ***raksasas***. Shri Muhammad inveighed against both…. ****The Atma and its expression*** is ********the sole Reality in the Universe.****** Identification with anything else causes the heart to ‘catch.****’ “(!!!!)

    Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

  135. Avdhut Says:

    Other words for ‘God’ include ‘THE – Theology / God-Knowledge, ‘IS’ – Isreal ( Is/God, Real/fighting) Name given to Jacob by ‘God’/Jacob’s SELF, as he wrestled with himself, manifesting as an angel. See also: Blake’s JOB’, and the life of the great William Blake himself, oh, and ‘IT’. Though I cannot remember the analogy for this, it stands to reason as the absloute truth is Om-nipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, ie: IN ALL THINGS, so…IT just IS THE…in all things, but not of anything.

    What colour is Love ?!? What shape or form ???

    with love

  136. Avdhut Says:

    … praying for the collective Swadisthana to clear through Africa, so many Rakshasaas down there…trying to make untruth appear truthful…a big club of Rakshasaas getting together.

  137. Peter Says:

    Dear yogis,
    We can continue our discussion at SAHAJA YOGA FORUM:

  138. kalkichrist Says:

    Haha, I see Our pet Advhut has been busy!! 🙂

    There’s a huge difference between five strands of Kundalini in the average ‘realized soul’ who has not yet begun to rise in the recognition of Father in Sahasrara, and the full Power of Kundalini being active in a ‘Yogi’.

    Also, Sahaja Yoga has never been invaded by false gurus because the Kalki Powers (made available when little baby boy Richard Embleton was born in 1974) have been protecting Shri Mataji’s Work that could not really spread out properly in the four years from 1970 to 1074. But for six and a half years I’ve been gathering more Sahaja Yogis to My chakras and various stages of collectives to bridge the lower level consciousness Humans in the world through the mind realm Sahaja Yoga people, to the more successful Sahaja Yogis in the increasingly defining ‘living Being’, and with My primary collective of about 200 people, to be the ‘birth ground’ of the “Kalki Incarnation” (Revelation 14 “first fruits”, Revelation 12 “birth” of the man child, Vishnu Purana 4:24 birth of Shri Kalki in the Agnya chakra “village of Sambhalpur” (comment 101) and audio file here

    Only those who recognize their Father born as the Son of God, through vibrations and a sufficiently open Agnya chakra (Advhut, note please 🙂 ) will rise above the idle level of Sahaja Yoga’s first stage realized soul. Sahaja Yoga is not defined in who attends meetings and who can argue the best. Despite the coordinators who stood against Me (and notice what happened to them… finished… no matter what rational reason they might think there could be for that, and now the turmoil of the Kalki rising destroying the impure and defining the Pure within Sahaja Yoga to prepare for My transformation) I am STILL gathering more and more people, and there are many who know that I am Shri Kalki Christ who do not know about Sahaja Yoga more than what I’ve told them, many Deities and Goddess personality Incarnation embedded into Humanity in all walks of life to gather the reflection Spirit Human out of the pit of demon claws, as They wake Spirit into attention in time to come. See the points mentioned in comment 96.

    And here I am – let the Pure rise above the ones who will only rise later. There is a Divine Plan for this purification of Sahaja Yoga, the necessity highlighted by Advhut’s flagrant displays of immaturity, desperation, conjecture, insult, rationality, conditioned ideas, the ‘perfectly worded; way of saying the ‘right things’, great big swinging words and quotes derived from hours of research and analysis. Advhut is a necessary personification of the impurity within the evolving, purifying tool of the Divine called ‘Sahaja Yoga. The Divine is beyond this tool and is very strongly active throughout all of Creation because of the manifested Incarnations rising in Their pre-planned times.

    Please learn about many things here:

    I can only help those who help themselves.

    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

    With all My Love, Peace, Protection and Support,
    Richard Embleton – Shri Kalki Christ 🙂

  139. kalkichrist Says:

    Dear Peter
    Jai Shri Mataji
    Thank you for hosting this comment page. Whether or not you’ve asked Shri Mataji for a Kundalini or a Paramchaitanya answer of the truth, you’ve been a great host here for some important things.
    Please enjoy Oksana’s and My support and we love you, and everybody!! 🙂

    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

    With My Love

    • Peter Says:

      I would prefer to stay away from qualifications and judgments. For me is important how I can be pure instruments of The Divine Mother and how many people will receive their Realization.

  140. clark Says:

    Hi peter,
    i just want to thank you again for this blog, and the videos,leela and collective attention.
    the Kymatica vid was interesting.
    Remember when we were kids and none of that mattered?
    I’m qualified to make the judgment about you not being qualified to make judgements,,he he ,,,thanks again.

  141. clark Says:

    regarding the kymatica video,
    do you percieve the part about the flood to mean it happened on a physical plane , an archetypal realm, both ,,,or what.If i remember right,Jung usually interpreted WATER in dreams like ,lakes,rain,etc… as being on the emotional part of our brain. which would indicate the feminin in the minds of some, And if that seemed like a huge storm or disaster,coming from a patriarichal planet,
    its easier to understand the reaction. hence the story of the awful flood. I think we as a whole virata are trying to always come back to balance.

  142. clark Says:

    Thank you Avdhut for expressing your heart and brain so well

    • Avdhut Says:

      I couldn’t do otherwise even if I tried, heart would catch.

      Some of these tales go way back to large local events that may be retold for generations after between simple people, in turn becoming associated with personal/microcosmic stories that refelect macrocosmic human inclinations, ie: in this case man’s struggle for a peace full existence amongst undharmic people and social trends. In tems of the subtle system, our seeking originates in the void, or, OCEAN of illusion.

      By the grace of God, all things are connected, from the unmanifest subtle to the manifest.

      with love, naturally 🙂

  143. kalkichrist Says:

    “This humility and simplicity on the left Vishuddhi becomes bitter and troublesome, so, you all must control your left vishuddhi and try to speak sweetly and using joy giving words. It is must that your language for every person should be sweetest. Especially the men should talk to their wives very sweetly. Now, this sweetness will cleanse your left Vishuddhi. You must always use sweet language. Speak sweetly. To speak sweetly is the best possible way to correct and remove the guilty feeling of yours. Because if you use harsh and hurting words to someone, then it is due to your habit and it gives you pleasant feeling within. But as soon as you stop your sentence, you repent on it, regret it and you say, “Oh! God, how did I say this?”, this is the greatest guilt. So, select all the sweet words and always use them with every person. Look… listen to the chirping of birds… In the same way you also must learn different sounds so that you can make others joyous with your sweet language!! This is the most important thing. Otherwise your left Vishuddhi catch will increase and you can develop a very different way of speaking, as the result of which your lips will get distorted and turn towards left side.”
    Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – The Pure Divine Knowledge – Left Swadhishthana – RAHURI, Maharashtra, 31-12-1980

  144. Avdhut Says:

    “But what we can do is to understand it : That if a colour is dropped on the ocean, the ocean becomes colourful-is not possible. But try to understand: if a little colour, limited colour, is dropped into the ocean, the colour loses its identity completely. Think of the other way round. If the ocean is coloured, and is poured into atmosphere or onto any part any little wee bit, or onto any spot, onto any atom or anything, it all becomes colourful.

    So the Spirit is like the ocean which has the light in it. And when this ocean pours into the little cup of your brain, the cup loses its identity and everything becomes Spiritual ! Everything ! you can make everything Spiritual. Everything. You touch anything-it is Spiritual ! The sand becomes Spiritual, the land becomes Spiritual, atmosphere becomes Spiritual, celestial bodies becomes Spiritual. Everything becomes Spiritual !

    So it is the ocean-that is the Spirit, while your brain is limited.

    So the detachment from your limited brain has to be brought in. All limitations of brain should be ‘broken’ so that when this ocean fills that brain; it should break that little cup and every bit of that cup should become colourful. The whole atmosphere, everything, whatever you look at, should be colourful. Colour of the Spirit is the light of the Spirit and this light of the Spirit acts, works, thinks, co-ordinates, does everything.

    This is the reason today I decided to bring Shiva-Tattwa to the brain.”

    ** Tattwa =Principle in Sanskrit; Shiva represents the Spirit and resides in the Left aspect of the Heart Chakra

    (the above quote/analogy was found in a Lecture of Shri Mataji in Pratishtan, India,1984 – about the Spirit and its governing principle, Shri Shiva)

  145. Avdhut Says:

    Please be in your present and enjoy everybody 🙂

    Nirmal Love


    ”Because your Self cannot be yours until and unless you are independent” (Taken from the body of the text.)

    Shri Mataji (circa 1983)
    reprinted from Nirmala Yoga volume 3 number 16

    The spirit is the most precious thing that we have within ourselves. The preciousness of your spirit is immeasurable and that is why it is called the thing of eternal value. Because it is infinite, we cannot measure.
    Now, God the Almighty we say is sat-chit-anand. Sat means the truth. The truth we understand in human terminology is relative. But the truth I am telling you is the absolute, from where all the relations start. An example I will tell you, how to understand. This Earth has got oceans and rivers and all kinds of waters you can say, but the Earth is enveloping all of them. If the Mother Earth was not there, there could not have been any of this existing. So we can say that the Mother Earth is the support of all the things that exist on earth. She is enveloping us. In the atoms She exists, in the big mountains She exists because the elements are part of that Earth. In the same way is God Almighty. The sat part of Him, the truth is the support of all the things that are created or not created.
    Another example you try to understand, how the sat is the purush, is the God who does not take actual part in the creation itself, but is a catalyst. The example can be like this: I am doing all the work, I am creating every thing, but I have a light in my hand. Without the light, I cannot do anything. The light is the support of My work, but the light does not in any way do anything about what I do. In the same way, God Almighty is just the witness like a light.
    But His other quality is the chit. It is attention. When it is excited … or when it is pulsated … then through His attention He starts creating.
    And He has a third quality which we call anand. Anand is the feeling of joy that He gets by His perception, by His creation, the joy that He gets. All these three things – sat chit anand – when they are at a zero point where they meet, then they become the principle of Brahma. When these three things are one, where there is complete silence, nothing is created and nothing is manifested, but the joy is one with the attention because the attention has reached to merge into joy and joy has become one with the truth.
    This combination of three qualities separate and create three types of phenomena. Anand, the joy, inwards merged with His creation and with the truth. When joy starts moving with the creation, the creation starts, moving down from, first, the sat or truth stage to asat, that is untruth, to maya, that is illusion. And at that time, the creation starts working out and when it starts working out, the joy, which is on the left-hand side, the emotional side of God, also starts becoming grosser and grosser, until they reach a stage where there is, we can say, a complete darkness of tamoguna, the complete cessation of the creativity and the complete sleeping of the joy.
    Is it clearer? You will understand now Mahalakshmi, Mahakali and Mahasaraswati. That is why Christ said, “I am the light” – because He represents the sat, the light of God. And when the light of God becomes absolutely gross, dormant or dead, then it reaches the second stage of creation. All these things go deeper and deeper and become grosser. That is one part of the parabola.
    Now the another part of the parabola starts when you are attaining back to God Almighty. That process now gradually starts becoming higher and higher, subtler and subtler and finer and finer. In that refinement, ultimately the light works for the evolutionary process. Gradually the grosser parts start becoming enlightened. You find the lower animal is not much enlightened as the higher animal. Gradually even the joy starts becoming subtler and subtler. We can call it beautiful. Human joys are much more beautiful than that of animals.
    So the joy also start changing their manifestation in the sense you start more and more and a wider range of joy comes into your hands. For example, to a dog, beauty has no meaning, decency has no meaning. So at a stage when you reach, when you are a human being, to that extent you develop your sat, which is awareness. To that extent, you also develop your joy and, to that extent, you also develop creative action. Now you see how the creativity of God passes into the hands of man, when he turns out, how the joy of God passes into the hands of Man and how His light comes into the heart of man as spirit.
    It is beautiful. I have just touched when you have become a human being. People say human beings have a soul – not that others do not have – but light starts burning in a human being only. Because of that light, we talk of religion, we talk of God and we talk of eternal things. But it is really a precarious stage, that is to be human being, because, at this stage, you have to jump only a little bit that side, while you start jumping this side and that side. Because this jumping is not possible unless and until the awareness reaches that stage where you become independent and, in that independence, you find your own course. This is the position. Because your Self cannot be yours until and unless you are independent. As long as you are slave or under bondage or something that is gross, how can you enjoy that eternal joy that is within you?
    So it is for you to expose yourself more to that joy by opening out your Self more and more and getting subtler and cleaner, so that you feel that Divine.
    Once you know this point, that after getting Self Realization, unless and until these three things start merging together, you cannot feel that you have established yourself. The joy within you must be felt through your awareness, otherwise you cannot see it. Suppose you have no eyes, then how can you see? If you were not aware to see Me, how will you see Me? If you are not aware to hear Me, how will you understand Me? And once that awareness comes to You, then only the joy awakens within you because only through these subtle feeling of the awareness, you are going to absorb the joy.

    Just now you felt, you said “What a beautiful thing it is!” You felt very happy. You are feeling the joy of creation at this stage and man is the summit of creation. But only the crown part is such a little thing. Very little it is. Very little distance it crosses in no time, but the only thing is that three things have to be combined. And that is why you find even if you get Self Realization, you do not feel the silence because you have not become the light. You do not feel the joy because you have not become the anand. That is the left side of you.
    In everything there is joy as a human being. You start seeing joy in patterns. You see a key box. You open it out. You see the patterns. You call it the veneer. You call the roughness and things, the smoothness and the harmony of it. You start feeling the matter, the joy of His creation. But after Realization, you start feeling the joy of creation. The summit of creation is the human being and that is why, for a Sahaja Yogi, he must realize if he tries to be friendly or interested or involved in a person who is at a lower level, he can never get the joy from that person. The only thing that he can do is to raise that person higher to his own level and make him also feel the same joy as you are getting.
    Supposing a man who is an artist marries a blind girl. What is the use? She cannot enjoy the arts created by this man. In the same way, if you are interested in your family people, in your relations, in your friends, the first thing and the finest and greatest thing you can do is to give them Self Realization, which means the joy of your spirit. Expose them to the joy of their spirit, which is the most precious thing. And this is the reason why people flicker and they fiddle and they feel uneasy and they lose their joy very easily at small things that has parts of it and finished.
    It is like the ocean before you, where I am there and I want you all to come into it and enjoy. It is all for you. The whole thing was created for your enjoyment. You have to become subtler and subtler. You are wasting lot of time here on very gross things you have noticed.


    adrian says:
    February 7, 2010 at 12:02 pm
    There is one very interesting quote found within the article on Sat Chit Anand… as follows…

    “Because your Self cannot be yours until and unless you are independent”

    Here is what I feel this is about… By independence, we mean “freedom”… freedom from … “emotional attachment, mental attachment and physical attachment”. So until we release these attachments we cannot truly be free. That is… once these are released through awakening, then the “light or love” can completely permeate our being… and will then lead to our joy and happiness… which have always been there.
    The result, I believe is in our discovering our Natural state of being “healed”, our Natural state of simply Being.

  146. clark Says:

    to Iprasad.
    on feb.12 you said “i love you all my brothers and sisters”.
    just want to say it did not go unnoticed,and i for one needed to hear that simple,yet powerful message. i should have thanked you then,but but i’m thanking you now,really sweet.
    Jai Shri Mataji!!!

  147. clark Says:

    Hello Peter,
    Very nice art work of Jesus’ Kundalini.
    I once saw a white glowing aura/bandhan around a very deep and sweet sahaja yogini, outside at night time, for about a minute. it was an affirmation of her enlightenment to me,along with her words and actions.Do you think in the past,before cameras, it was common to see that on saints/angels/Deities? If so,why not now. maybe we are more under the influence of maya now days.just curious. thanks.

    • Peter Says:

      In Mahabharata people and deities were together. I am sure that people before were able to see the light at the top. I have friends in SY and they can see the light as well.

  148. Avdhut Says:

    The film ‘Avatar’ certainly brought back memories of when the word last became fashionable, back in the 60’s – 70’s. It would be good to remove the superficial sheen from the definition and relate it to the aspiration, that is, the nature of evolution and the brain.

    Avatar or Avatara (Devanagari ?????, Sanskrit for “descent”. The Sanskrit noun avat?ra is derived from the verbal root t? “to cross over”, joined with the prefix ava “off , away , down”. The word doesn’t occur in the Vedas, but is recorded in P??ini (3.3.120). )

    Also for ‘Incarnation’, it would mean ‘in the flesh’. As we understand the dieties to be archetypes that most accurately reflect the qualities all human beings contain within them as potential, realised when the chakras open fully, we could say we are all’incarnations’. This goes along with the word ‘re-incarnation’, which is used in relation to everyone, regardless of their inclination.

    An Avatar would be an incarnation manifesting the full potential of one, several, or all the chakras, specifically with a conscious objective.

    ”Devas, we have surely established our brotherhood with harmony in the womb of our Mother (Rigveda 8. 83.8) Listen all you sons of immortality, you who inherit the celestial regions. (Rigveda 10. 13.1) When the Devas fused the mortal man complete, they all entered into him. Therefore, one who knows man regards him as Brahman’s self (Atharvaveda 11. 8.13,32.)’Thus Spake the Vedas’/Sri Ramakrisna Math, Chennai.

    But all realised souls know that this ‘knowing’ is beyond thought, and manifests as Absloute Truth, Pure Attention, and Bliss.

    When all the world KNOWS this there will be peace on earth.

    • Peter Says:


      Thanks for this profound clarification. The truth is here but we don’t want to see HER.

      • Avdhut Says:

        She is very difficult to see brother, that’s why she’s so forgiving.

        She is only visible to the pure in heart, thereafter seeing is the same as feeling.

        May we all see with those eyes, full of grace and chaste love.

        ”Many a time I sit and wonder why, this race is so, so very hard to run…then I say to my soul takerer, ”Battle to be won !!!”…any day now they’re gonna be let down…

        ain’t it good to know now, MOTHER will be waiting there…

        …she waits in summer, winter, spring, and in autumn… do your thing…

        what goes up, darling, must come speak I feel, to see I FEEL…

        (Adapted from a song by Bob Marley, a realised soul who went astray. Peace be upon him. )

  149. Avdhut Says:

    People see the parent in the growth of the child.

    with Love

  150. Robert Says:

    Nice Piter
    PRogram Nice

  151. Peter Says:

    The song is for Khwaja Syed Muhammad Nizamuddin Auliya.
    Please find more info here:

  152. clark Says:

    Hello Peter,
    i don’t know if you made the ( Tree of Life) music video,with the music of Elizabeth Henshaw of Zephyr or not, seems like i remember reading that somewhere. If you did, i’d like to thank you. i remember the first time i watched it, it gave me chills. Now i can play the oboe solo on my irish whistle and it is so much fun to play along with it. So thank you if you did this.
    would be nice to have a category cloud of just music don’t you think? i know, i should get my own blog,,,he he..but thanks again if you did it, it’s very lovely.

  153. sita7 Says:

    Dear Avdhut Bhayya,

    When I read whatever you write, I can feel how strongly Shri Mataji laid the foundation and how She nurtured some yogis, perhaps really very previleged in a way that they were able to speak to Shri Mataji directly and learn a lot in Her Divine presence. How fortunate it is really to have that previlege. Thank you for everything that you have said here. Here is something for you and for everybody. I very much appreciated Clark’s wisdom and Peter’s maturity. Thank you brothers.

    Mahalaxmi principle

    With Mothers blessings and Love

  154. Ravi Says:

    Just want to drop my soul in Spiritual Sea.

    D’nt know how and what to do? Still searching a way who lead me to one LIGHT.

  155. sindbadsi Says:

    здравейте, Петър! прочетох, че сте българин- затова пиша на български! ,Благодаря Ви, че сте прочел нещичко от блога ми, пиша, когато имам време. Преводач съм и преподавател на английски и руски езици,пообиколил съм 26 държави, вкючително Малайзия и Сингапур и то не само като турист! С Йога съм се занимавал преди 15 години активно, сега-малко по-рядко! Блогът Ви ми е интересен, ще го посещавам.Лек ден!

  156. Peter Says:

    Привет sindbadsi.
    Йога е доста по-различно нещо от това, което го представят.
    Ето тук моя превод на Самадхи пада на бащата на йога Махариши Патанджали:

  157. Jai Shri Mataji !!! Brother Peter, i feel like hugging you for your post – Proclamation by the Mayor of Columbia in Memory of Shri Mataji . I also hurriedly read few of the replies U received from Sahajis about your blog. Amazing. Thanks for bringing together many children of Shri Mataji. I feel ashamed being an Indian, because not doing any constructive work to spread Shri Mataji’s love. But how cute you all are ! I need the affection of you all, because as our dear Mother says, Love only will win over all.

    With tears.

  158. Monika Says:

    Hi Peter,

    I’m doing illustration for Jason Chan book and we decided to publish illustration you have on your blog with article: WHAT ARE CHAKRAS? Do you know who is an author, so we can put his credits.


    Love and Light

  159. Nath Yogi Says:

    I appreciate your spiritual interest. Have you attained realization? On the same lines visit my website. Thank you.

  160. swapnil Says:

    Jsm peter ,
    thank you for creating such a lovely blog. Thank u very much. may god bless you.

    • Kiran Says:

      Dear Peter,

      i had one question in my mind, to which I am unable to find an answer. For me a saint is a person with no attraction towards materialistic objects. Then why there are numerous photos of “Nirmala Devi” wearing so much of Gold.

  161. Kiran Says:

    You are right, it is decoration – be it gold, diamonds, or pearls….they are all decoration items. For me a saint should preach simplicity and this preaching of simplicity should also reflect in their own personality. The photos being used at meditation camps show “Nirmala Devi” wearing gold from top to bottom. What does it mean then?

  162. Kiran Says:

    my question peter is not about pure/impure gold…….. even if it is not a real gold….it does not matter….the fact is that she is wearing it & my question was about preaching of simplicity……wearing ornaments all over the body is materialism…

  163. Peter Says:

    If you are Indian you suppose to know what puja is.

  164. Leela Says:

    Dear Peter ~ Namaste

    A lovely blog and so wonderful to see your dedication to getting the message out.

    I have a little request if you don’t mind. Could you please remove the picture of Uluru & Shri Ganesha that has been drawn over and photoshopped. Shri Ganesha doesn’t need any human enhancements. Photoshopping Uluru leads to the concept that the original is perhaps photoshopped too.The original photo is with me which I can confirm is as photographed but without any fancy interference before or after shooting the pic.

    I shared the photo freely with Yogis, but withdrew it when became shocked at the amount of photoshopping occurring by overseas Yogis. For those with eyes to see Shri Ganesha is plain to see. His trunk actually goes in the opposite direction to the photoshopped one. If Yogis’ Vibrations are not at the level to see Shri Ganesha there easily, one day it will click in. In the meantime we don’t need to do our own version over the top of Shri Ganesha’s very clear form for them.

    Would we photoshop a Photo of Shri Mataij – drawing all over Her? No, then please understand how offensive it is to someone in a Mooladhara country to see the computer drawing over Shri Ganesha’s natural form.

    There is not any other like the original photo – I regularly check google earth and surveyor maps and as yet no others caught Uluru at that angle of helicopter and sun. So I respectfully ask if you could please respect Shri Ganesha and myself and remove the photoshopped image of the only photo in existence of Shri Ganesha clearly seen on Uluru.

    Thank you for your understanding and anticipated cooperation.

    Leela Holland

    • Peter Says:

      HI I got it from SY Australia. It very well depict Shri Ganesha.


      • Leela Says:

        Dear Peter, Shri Ganesha is very well depicted in the original photo, and does not need to be super-imposed with internet graffiti. Let’s put it another way, would you be offended if tourists graffitied Uluru rockface? This is the same thing, only digital.

        The photo did not come from SY Australia as SY Australia keeps control on its material for exactly these reasons – over enthusiastic Yogis creating inappropriate material.

        Please reconsider and remove the photoshopped image.

        Jai Shri Mataji

  165. Leela Says:

    In case of any confusion – the first photo of Uluru without any digital interference is meant to be for general distribution. The photoshop of this original photo is the one requesting to be removed from circulation. Therefore in the graphics on your blog where you have these photos together as one photo, could you please take down and replace with the original photo that has not been photoshopped. Easy! Thank you.

  166. Kriya Says:

    Jai Shri Mataji,

    Dear Peter,
    Thank you for your lovely website! I’m looking for the picture of Shri Mataji in a white sari cuddling the little child who is sucking his thumb for printing for my child’s bedroom. Do you have it in a format that is good for printing, without the quote? If you do, or you know where I can find it please email me!😃🙏

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